Common Council Meeting 05/03/2023 – Will Vote On Street Light Installation Policy Resolution, Chadwick’s Bar Alcohol License Stipulation

The Common Council is meeting 05/03/2023 at 7PM. An updated agenda was posted yesterday, and, in addition to the 6 mayoral proclamations I posted about, Mayor Woodford will also be presenting a proclamation proclaiming 05/17/2023 as Neurofibromatosis Awareness Day in which he encourages “all citizens […]

Community And Economic Development Department Approves The City Of Appleton To Serve As Lead Agency For The Fox Cities Housing Coalition And To Apply For Emergency Housing Homeless Funding

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 04/26/2023. The action item that they took up in open session was a request to apply for Emergency Housing Homeless (EHH) funding and approve the City of Appleton to serve as the lead agency and fiscal agency on […]

Mayor Woodford To Present 6 Mayoral Proclamations At 05/03/2023 Common Council Meeting – American Legion Poppy Day, Hmong American Day, Teacher Appreciation Week, Municipal Clerks Week, Asian And Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Nurses Month

During the 05/03/2023 Common Council meeting, Mayor Woodford will be presenting 6 mayoral proclamations. With the first, he proclaims 05/12/2023 to be American Legion Poppy Day in Appleton and called “upon all citizens to join in the observance through the wearing of poppies.” With the […]

Plan Commission Approves Rezoning Of Seville Properties On Ballard And Werner Roads, Annexation Of Land Along Providence Avenue and Baldeagle Drive

The City Plan Commission met 04/26/2023. It was a brief meeting in which they took up two items. One was a request to rezone the Seville Properties Annexation on the north west corner of the intersection of Ballard and Werner Roads from Temporary AG Agricultural […]

College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration Pavement Marking Contract Held By Municipal Services Committee For 2 Weeks

The Municipal Services Committee met 04/24/2023. They were supposed to received a memo about and vote on a contract for the College Avenue Lane reconfiguration pavement marking project. This would have been the contract related to the College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration pilot project that was […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Approves Network Managed Services Contract With Heartland Business Systems

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee met 04/26/2023. One of the items they took up was a request from IT Director Corey Popp to award Network Managed Services to Heartland Business Systems. The committee approved the request by a vote of 3-0 with Alderperson […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Resolution Calling For Street Light Installation Policy To Be Reviewed

The Municipal Services Committee met 04/24/2023. It was a brief meeting, lasting only around 10 minutes. One of the items they took up was Resolution 3-R-23, the resolution calling for the city’s Street Light Installation Policy to be reviewed. I’ve prepared a transcript of the […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Receives Report On OB’s Brau Haus Alcohol License Violation For Having Nude/Semi-Nude Entertainer – Owner To Appear At Next Committee Meeting

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 04/26/2023. One of the information items they received an update on was the Police Department Report on Alcohol License Violations. Police Lieutenant Adam Nagel reported that OB’s Brau Haus received 150 demerit points for having a nude/semi-nude entertainer. I’ve […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Approves 10 Day Alcohol License Suspension For Chadwick’s Bar

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 04/26/2023. The item that took up the most amount of time during the meeting was the 10-day alcohol license suspension for Chadwick’s Bar. Chadwick’s had racked up 240 license demerit points related to three incidents of catering to underaged […]

Parks And Recreation Committee Receives Update On Lundgaard Park – Discusses Fundraising Efforts

The Parks and Recreation Committee met 04/24/2023. One of the information items they received was an update on Lundgaard Park. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download. Lundgaard Park was named after Mitch Lundgaard, the Appleton firefighter who was killed by Ruben Houston […]