Library Board Meeting 12/20/2022 – Will Receive Library Project Update, Vote On 2023 Budget

The Library Board is meeting 12/20/2022 at 4:30PM. The action items are fairly routine consisting of approval of the November Bill Register and a budget amendment. They will also be setting the 2023 Library Board meeting schedule and approving the 2023 Library Budget. Information items […]

Library Board Receives Updates On Library Project, Budget, Hiring Process

The Library Board met 11/15/2022. They received a few information items. The first was an update on the library project. Library Executive Director Colleen Rortvedt had submitted a memo which was basically a rehash of the information that had been presented to the Common Council […]

Library Board Meeting 11/15/2022 – Will Conduct Library Director’s End Of Year Performance Review

The Library Board is meeting 11/15/2022 at 4:30PM. They have a lot of items on the agenda, but none of them stand out as particularly notable They’ll be voting on the October bill register, a budget amendment, some compliance documents for United Way, and 2023 […]

Library Board Personnel And Policy Committee Meeting 11/08/2022 – Will Vote On Updated Naming Opportunities Policy For New Library

The Library Board Personnel and Policy Committee is meeting 11/08/2022 at 10:30AM They will be conducting the Library Director’s End of Year 2022 Performance Review and may enter closed session to do that. Listed as an action item is the non-union employee compensation study and […]

Library Board Meeting 10/18/2022 – Will Receive Update On Library Project, 2023 Budget Process

The Library Board is meeting 10/18/2022 at 4:30PM. There are only 3 action items—approval of the September bill register, approval of a budget amendment, and approval of revisions to the confined space entry policy. They will also be receiving a number of informational updates and […]

Library Project Bids Far Exceed Estimates – City To Request All Bids Be Denied, Will Rebid The Project In Early 2023

The Library Board met 09/20/2022 and received a brief update on the library project. Library Director Colleen Rortvedt told the board that bids had opened earlier that day at 2PM and had come in higher than expected. Some packages had received no bids. They still […]

Library Board Meeting 09/20/2022 – Will Vote On OWLS Agreements, Receive Library Project Update

The Library Board is meeting 09/20/2022 at 4:30PM Nothing stands out as particularly noteworthy. They will be voting on the August Bill Register and a budget amendment for September 2022. Additionally, they have a couple agreements between APL and the Outagamie Waupaca Library System which […]

Library Board Meeting 08/16/2022 – Will Vote On Library Bill Of Rights And Freedom To Read Statement, Receive Update On Library Project And Mid-Year Statistics

The Library Board is meeting 08/16/2022 at 4:30PM. They’ll be handling a number of action items including a July 2022 bill register, what appears to be a routine budget amendment, the 2023-25 OWLS membership agreement, and the reports from various subcommittees. They’ll also be voting […]

Library Board Meeting 08/09/2022 – Will Determine Nominees For President, Vice President, And Secretary, Perform Library Director’s Mid-Year Performance Review

The Library Board is meeting 08/09/2022. The Nominating Committee will be meeting at 9:30AM and will determine the nominees for Board President, Vice President, and Secretary. The Personnel and Policy Committee meeting will then meet at 10AM. The one action item is the Library Director’s […]