Mayor Woodford Gives Brief Library Project Update – “There’s been considerable adjustment to the scope of the project to get the project within the available budget.”

Video of the 12/21/2022 Common Council meeting has finally been posted. During the meeting, Mayor Woodford gave a brief update on the Library Project. SOM, the architect, and the Boldt Company, the construction manager, continue working on the project. Mayor Woodford stated, “There’s been considerable […]

Library Board Receives Update On Library Project – New Design Update Will Be Available January 18, 2023

The Library Board met 12/20/2022. During their meeting they received a brief update on the Library project. The transcript of the discussion is available here: The scope of the library project is currently being reduced in order to bring it into budget. By January 18, […]

Library Board Receives Updates On Library Project, Budget, Hiring Process

The Library Board met 11/15/2022. They received a few information items. The first was an update on the library project. Library Executive Director Colleen Rortvedt had submitted a memo which was basically a rehash of the information that had been presented to the Common Council […]

Common Council Receives Library Project Update – Director Gazza Outlines Scope Reduction Plans

The Common Council met 11/02/2022. They received a 10-minute update on the Library Project. Here’s a PDF of the full discussion transcript: Director of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Dean Gazza reiterated to the Council that the city’s goal was to remain within the established budget. […]

Finance Committee Rejects One Project Bid, Approves Another Bid After Project Scope Reduced, Approves Budget Amendment Related To Library Project

The Finance Committee met 10/10/2022 and voted on a number of projects. Although staff was not requesting that they reject multiple bids as they did back on 08/22/2022 and again for the Library Project bids, there were still a couple projects that were indicative of […]

Finance Committee Spends A Hour Discussing Library Project, Unanimously Votes To Reject All Project Bids

The Finance Committee met 09/26/2022. The meeting was around an hour and ten minutes long, and all but around 5 minutes of that was taken up by discussion on the request from the city to reject all bids for the library project. As most people […]

Finance Committee Meeting 09/26/2022 – Will Vote On Request To Deny All Library Project Bids

The Finance Committee is meeting 09/26/2022 at 5:30PM. The item most of note on the agenda is probably the request to deny all bids for the Appleton Public Library project. On 09/20/2022, the bids came back $14 million over budget, so the city is wanting […]

Library Project Bids Far Exceed Estimates – City To Request All Bids Be Denied, Will Rebid The Project In Early 2023

The Library Board met 09/20/2022 and received a brief update on the library project. Library Director Colleen Rortvedt told the board that bids had opened earlier that day at 2PM and had come in higher than expected. Some packages had received no bids. They still […]

Appleton Redevelopment Authority Receives Update On Library Project $12 Million Capital Campaign

The Appleton Redevelopment Authority met 08/10/2022. During the meeting they received an update on the fundraising and capital campaign for the Appleton Public Library project. Library Director Colleen Rortvedt told the ARA that the fundraising was led by the Friends of Appleton Public Library. The […]