Finance Committee Approves Request To Apply For Loan To Replace Private Lead Service Lines – City Will Only Accept If Loan Includes Principal Forgiveness

The Finance Committee met 06/26/2023. One of the items they took up was a request to apply for a Safe Drinking Water Loan through the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. If awarded this money would be used to help pay for the replacement of private […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting 06/28/2023 – Will Vote On Police Department Position Changes, Receive Information On Shutting Down Of City’s Old Enterprise Resource System

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is meeting 06/28/2023 at 4:30PM. They only have one action item on the agenda which is a reorganization of the Appleton Police Department. Per the memo, the department’s “Support Services Lieutenant will be reassigned to patrol on January […]

City Plan Commission Meeting 06/28/2023 – Will Take Up Rezoning Request And Special Use Permit For The Heritage, Creation Of TIF District 13, Public Land Dedication

The City Plan Commission is meeting 06/28/2023 at 3:30PM. The agenda includes three public hearings with associated action items. The first is a rezoning request for 2600 S Heritage Woods Drive in Appleton from  a PD/R-3 Planned Development Amendment #G-98 Multi-Family District to an R-3 […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 06/28/2023 – Will Vote On Request To Deny Beer License To Core’s Lounge, Discuss Recent Sushi Lover Alcohol License Violation

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 06/28/2023 at 5:30PM. There are a few items that look potentially pretty interesting. A representative from Sushi Lover will be appearing to discuss their alcohol license demerit point violation for having no licensed operator on the premises on […]

Fox Cities Transit Commission Meeting 06/27/2023 – Will Vote On Purchase 6 Bus Shelters, Contract With Security Service

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 06/27/2023 at 2:50PM. They have three action items on the agenda. The first is the routine request to approve payments for the month of May. The second is a request for approval to purchase replacement bus shelters. Per […]

Finance Committee Meeting 06/26/2023 – Will Vote On WDNR Loan For Lead Pipe Replacement, Dance Studio Remodeling Project

The Finance Committee is meeting 06/26/2023 at 5:30PM. They will be voting on a request to apply for a Safe Drinking Water Loan. This is funding available through the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to help municipalities assist property owners with costs associated with the […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 06/26/2023 – Will Receive Update On College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration Project

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 06/26/2023 at 4:30 PM. The agenda is short with only one action item and one information item on it. They will be voting on what appears to be a fairly straightforward request from Rise Apartments for a permanent street […]

Three Weeks After Community Conversation Lawrence University Still Silent On Why Union Street House Was Allowed To Degrade To The Point It Needed To Be Demolished

Back on 06/01/2023, Lawrence University held a community conversation regarding the house at 128 Union Street that has fallen into such disrepair that the university is now planning to demolish it. During that listening session, a question that was raised was why had the house […]

After Restoring Original Language To Resolution Calling For Appleton To Join Wisconsin Local Government Climate Coalition, Common Council Votes 13-2 To Approve Resolution

The Common Council met 06/21/2023. One of the items they separated out for an individual vote was Resolution 5-R-23, the resolution for Appleton to join the Wisconsin Local Government Climate Coalition (WLGCC). During the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting where this resolution was initially reviewed […]