The Safety and Licensing Committee is holding a special meeting 08/16/2023 at 6:45PM ahead of the Common Council meeting at 7PM. They have one item on the agenda which is a temporary alcohol license application for corn roast the Republican Party of Outagamie County is […]
Tag: Safety and Licensing
Safety And Licensing Committee Receives Alcohol Violation Convictions Update – Alderperson Van Zeeland Expresses Concern About The Recent Increase In Violations
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 08/09/2023. One of the information items they received was a report on Alcohol Violation Convictions. There were two violation convictions, one for the Appleton Clark gas station and one for Sai Ram, each for dispensing alcohol to a minor. […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Reviews Paramedic Staffing Levels At Fire Department And Gold Cross, Votes Unanimously To Approve Gold Cross Service Agreement After Amending It To Include A 6-Month Reporting Requirement By Gold Cross And The Fire Department To The Committee
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 08/09/2023. One of the items they took up was the Fire Department Service Agreement for Gold Cross Ambulance. This was previously approved unanimously by the committee but then referred back to the committee for further discussion by Alderperson William […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Approves 10 Day License Suspension For Speakeasy Ultra Lounge After Bar Received 150 License Demerits For Hosting Event With Semi-Nude Dancers
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 08/09/2023. One of the items they took up was the alcohol license suspension hearing for Speakeasy Ultra Lounge. The bar received 150 liquor license demerit points for an incident in October 2022 in which two semi-nude dancers performed for […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 08/09/2023 – Will Conduct Alcohol License Suspension Hearing For Speakeasy Ultra, Vote For Second Time On Gold Cross Ambulance Service Agreement
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 08/09/2023 at 5:30PM. They will be, once again, taking up the Fire Department Service Agreement for Gold Cross Ambulance. This was previously approved by the committee but then referred back to the committee for further discussion by Alderperson […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Discusses Liquor License Demerit Point Violations With Representatives From 5 Businesses
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 07/26/2023. One of the items on the agenda was public appearances by representatives from several businesses who had received alcohol license demerit point violations for selling alcohol to minors. Appleton’s Municipal Code requires a licensee with between 25 and […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Holds Gold Cross Ambulance Service Agreement Until 08/09/2023 Meeting So Gold Cross Representatives Can Attend
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 07/26/2023. One of the items on the agenda was the Fire Department Ambulance Service Agreement With Gold Cross. This item had been discussed extensively at the 07/12/2023 committee meeting. One of the issues discussed was staffing levels on the […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 07/26/2023 – Will Hold Demerit Point Violation Appearances For Businesses Convicted Of Selling Alcohol To Underage Persons, Vote For Second Time On Gold Cross Ambulance Service Agreement
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 07/26/2023 at 5:30PM. The meeting will start out with Demerit Point Violation Appearance for five different establishments that were convicted of selling alcohol to underage persons. These violations were all related to a Police Department sting operation and […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Approves 3 Year Ambulance Service Agreement With Gold Cross
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 07/12/2023. Most of the meeting was taken up by review and discussion of the Fire Department service agreement for Gold Cross ambulance. Fire Chief Jeremy Hansen reviewed the agreement, and then the committee voted unanimously to recommend it for […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 07/12/2023 – Will Vote On Absentee Ballot Envelope Subgrant, Fire Department Service Agreement With Gold Cross Ambulance
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 07/12/2023 at 5:30PM. They have a number of license applications and renewals that they will be voting on, most of which are for alcohol licenses. They will also be voting on a request to accept an Absentee Ballot […]