Board Of Education Meeting 09/26/2022 – Will Discuss Curriculum Updates For Math And Music, Baseline Scores In Math And ELA For Progress Monitoring

­The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting this evening, 09/26/2022, at 6PM. They will be receiving reports on proposed updates to the Math Topics curriculum and the middle school b and, choir, and orchestra curriculum. Although the agenda does not include any […]

Board Of Education Meeting 09/12/2022 – Will Discuss Cost Of Holding Referendum

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 09/12/2022 at 6PM. The agenda does not appear to be particularly heavy. They will be talking about the expected cost to hold the referendum. They will be voting on a monitoring report for personnel administration, […]

AASD Board Of Education Meeting 08/08/2022 – Will Vote On November Referendum Questions

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting tonight, 08/08/2022, at 6PM. The main item of interest to the public is that they will be voting on whether or not to move forward with holding a referendum in November. There will be two […]

Board Of Education Reviews Draft Referendum Questions

During the upcoming 08/08/2022 Appleton Area School District Board of Education meeting, the Board will be voting on whether or not to approve the AASD capital and operating referendum questions for the November 2022 election. During the 07/25/2022 Board meeting, Superintendent Greg Hartjes reviewed the […]

Board Of Education Meeting 07/25/2022 – Will Cover Updates To Library Media Curriculum, Student Harassment Policy, And Student Nondiscrimination Policy

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 07/25/2022. They will be holding a work session at 4PM and a regular meeting at 6PM. This is their first meeting since their work session on 06/30/2022. During the work session they will be going […]

Board Of Education Receives 2021-22 AGR Report, Does Not Discuss The Fact That 40-60% Of AGR Students Did Not Achieve Targeted Growth

[Update (07/23/2022): You can read further communication regarding K-3 proficiency rates here.] [Update (08/31/2022): during the AGR report to the Board of Education, an AASD employee incorrectly equated a student reaching 100% of their targeted growth with achieving proficiency. Some of the actual proficiency rates […]

AASD Board Of Education Holding Two Community Linkage Events In Next 6 Weeks – Events Capped At 40 Attendees Each

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is holding two community linkage events in the next 6 weeks. Per the official notice “The ‘Community Café’ is an informal way of gathering Board Members and community members to share thoughts, ideas and questions about AASD […]

Board Of Education Meeting 06/27/2022 – Will Receive Multiple Reports Including An Update On Dress Code

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 06/27/2022 at 6PM. They will be receiving a number of reports including a summary of the Houdini Family survey, the Annual Notice of Academic Standards, a couple of proposed materials updates, the Achievement Gap Reduction […]

Board Of Education Receives Presentation On Referendum Community Survey – 61.75% Community Support Indicated For Referendum, Some Concern Raised Regarding Impact Of Economy/Inflation On Vote In November

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education met 06/06/2022. The purpose of the meeting was the review the complete community survey results regarding the proposed referendum in the fall. Chief Finance Officer and soon-to-be Superintendent Greg Hartjes, had reviewed the preliminary results during the […]