Municipal Services Committee Meeting 08/07/2023 – Will Receive Complete Streets Study Presentation From ALTA, Vote On Terrace Occupancy Permit From Homeowner Seeking To Maintain Existing Fence In Terrace

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 08/07/2023 at 4:30PM. They will be receiving a presentation from ALTA on the Complete Streets Planning and Design Study. Back in February of this year, ALTA was awarded a sole source contract to review and update the city’s Complete […]

Common Council Meeting 08/02/2023 – Will Vote On Appleton Conservancy Resolution, Resolution Expressing Both Gratitude And Criticism For The Passage Of Act 12

The Common Council is meeting 08/02/2023 at 7PM. In addition to two mayoral proclamations, Business Presented By The Mayor will include recognition for the work of two organizations toward the passage of the Shared Revenue Bill. He will also give a property revaluation overview. Action […]

Special Meetings Of Finance And Human Resources And Information Technology Committees To Be Held 08/02/2023 Before Common Council Meeting – HRIT Committee Will Vote On Awarding Contract For City Website Redesign

Two special meetings are scheduled ahead of the Common Council meeting on 08/03/2023. The first is a special meeting of the Finance Committee at 6:15PM. The committee will be voting on a request to award a repair and maintenance contract for the Green, Red, and […]

Library Board Personnel And Policy Committee Meeting 07/27/2023 – Will Conduct Library Director’s Mid-Year Performance Evaluation

The Library Board Personnel and Policy Committee is meeting 07/27/2023 at 10AM. The one item on the agenda is the Library Director’s 2023 Mid-Year Performance Evaluation. The meeting may be in closed session all allowed by state law which permits closed sessions when discussing personnel […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Meeting 07/26/2023 – Will Vote On Variance From F Street Development For Recently Purchased In Southpoint Commerce Park, Deadline Extension For Central Park Development, Appleton Conservancy Resolution

The Community and Economic Development Committee is meeting 07/26/2023 at 6:30PM. They have three action items on the agenda. The first is a request to approve a variance to the Deed Restrictions and Covenants in Southpoint Commerce Park to allow Hayden Properties/F Street Development to […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 07/26/2023 – Will Hold Demerit Point Violation Appearances For Businesses Convicted Of Selling Alcohol To Underage Persons, Vote For Second Time On Gold Cross Ambulance Service Agreement

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 07/26/2023 at 5:30PM. The meeting will start out with Demerit Point Violation Appearance for five different establishments that were convicted of selling alcohol to underage persons. These violations were all related to a Police Department sting operation and […]

City Plan Commission Meeting 07/26/2023 – Will Vote On Plat Number 4 In Southpoint Commerce Park, Resolution To Dedicate Land For Park And Trail In Southpoint Commerce Park

The City Plan Commission is meeting 07/26/2023 at 3:30PM. The commission will be taking up two items. The first is a request to approve Plat Number 4 in Southpoint Commerce Park. The second is Resolution 8-R-23 which would dedicate city-owned land in Southpoint Commerce Park […]

Utilities Committee Meeting 07/25/2023 – Will Vote On Stormwater Management Plan Review Contract Increase, Payments To City For Stormwater Ponds At Reid Golf Course And Memorial Park

The Utilities Committee is meeting 07/25/2023 at 4:30PM. The agenda includes three action items. The first is a request to amend the 2023A Stormwater Management Plan Review contract to increase to total contract by $20,000. Per the memo, “Due to the number of stormwater management […]

Fox Cities Transit Commission Meeting 07/25/2023 – Will Receive 2022 Audit Report, 2nd Quarter KPI Report, June Ridership And Finance Report

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 07/25/2023 at 2:50PM. They only have one action item which is the approval of payments for June. But they do also have four information items. Two of those information items are the standard financial report and ridership report […]

Board Of Education Meeting 07/24/2023 – Will Review Design Renderings Of Building Projects, Vote On Proposal To Name New Elementary School “Sandy Slope Elementary School”

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 07/24/2023 at 6PM. They have a pretty hefty agenda with a lot of different items. A couple items of note are… They will be receiving a Referendum Update which includes design renderings of some of […]