Board Of Education Receives 2021-22 AGR Report, Does Not Discuss The Fact That 40-60% Of AGR Students Did Not Achieve Targeted Growth

[Update (07/23/2022): You can read further communication regarding K-3 proficiency rates here.] [Update (08/31/2022): during the AGR report to the Board of Education, an AASD employee incorrectly equated a student reaching 100% of their targeted growth with achieving proficiency. Some of the actual proficiency rates […]

AASD Board Of Education Holding Two Community Linkage Events In Next 6 Weeks – Events Capped At 40 Attendees Each

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is holding two community linkage events in the next 6 weeks. Per the official notice “The ‘Community Café’ is an informal way of gathering Board Members and community members to share thoughts, ideas and questions about AASD […]

Board Of Education Meeting 06/27/2022 – Will Receive Multiple Reports Including An Update On Dress Code

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 06/27/2022 at 6PM. They will be receiving a number of reports including a summary of the Houdini Family survey, the Annual Notice of Academic Standards, a couple of proposed materials updates, the Achievement Gap Reduction […]

Board Of Education Meeting 06/06/2022 – Will Review Community Survey Results Regarding Potential Referendum

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is holding a special meeting on 06/06/2022 at 7PM. The purpose of the meeting is to review the community survey results regarding the potential referendum. The preliminary results were reviewed at the 05/23/2022 Board of Education meeting, […]

Future AASD Superintendent Indicates He Anticipates Minimal Covid Mitigation Measures For 2022-23 Fall Semester

As posted on Saturday, the Appleton Area School District is discontinuing its Covid mitigation measures starting 06/06/2022. It wasn’t clear to me whether that change only applied to the summer semester or would also be in place for the 2022-23 school year, so I reached […]

Board Of Education Reviews Preliminary Survey Results Showing Strong Support For AASD Referendum

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education met 05/23/2022. During the meeting they received a brief overview of the preliminary results of the community survey that was sent out regarding the potential school referendum. Chief Financial Officer (and soon to be Superintendent) Greg Hartjes […]

Neighborhood Program Spring Meeting Scheduled 05/26/2022 – Greg Hartjes Will Talk To Neighborhood Leaders About AASD Referendum

On 05/26/2022 from 6PM to 7:30PM at Wilson Middle School, the City of Appleton is holding a Neighborhood Program Spring Meeting. Participants must reside in a neighborhood registered through the city’s Neighborhood Program. You can learn more about the Neighborhood Program and view a map […]

Board Of Education Meeting 05/23/2022 – Will Review Preliminary Results Of Referendum Community Survey

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 05/23/2022 at 6PM. There are a number of items on the agenda including the charter contract renewal for Renaissance School for the Arts and the Mega Results Interpretation and Indicators. The item probably of the […]

AASD Piloting New Dress Code – Includes New Language Regarding Students’ Rights And Equitable Enforcement

The Appleton Area School District is currently piloting a revised dress code. Per an email sent to families 05/17/2022, key changes include… Gender Neutral language Allowing students to come to school wearing comfortable clothing that allows them to be authentically themselves. Language on how things […]