Common Council Meeting 11/16/2022 – Will Vote On 2024 Aldermanic Salary

The Common Council is meeting 11/16/2022 at 7PM. The agenda is fairly light and most of the items do not seem particularly contentious. No video was available for either the Finance Committee meeting or the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting on 11/07/2022, so I can’t […]

Common Council Votes Again Budget Amendment That Would Reallocate Council Training Budget To Concrete Reconstruction

The Common Council met 11/09/2022 and voted to adopt the 2023 Executive Budget. The budget was adopted without changes; however, four separate amendments were proposed during the meeting, none of which were approved. The first amendment which was to reduce the aldermanic parking pass benefit, […]

Common Council Votes 12-2 To Deny Budget Amendment To Reduce Aldermanic Parking Pass Benefit – Alderpersons Talk About The Value Of The Parking Pass Benefit

The Common Council met 11/09/2022 in a special session to adopt the 2023 Executive Budget. The Council ended up approving the 2023 budget with no amendments by a 14-0 vote. Although no amendments were approved, four amendments were made and deliberated on. The first amendment […]

Common Council Holding Special Session 11/09/2022 – Will Vote To Adopt 2023 Executive Budget

The Common Council is meeting 11/09/2022 at 6PM for a special session to adopt the 2023 executive budget. Alderpersons were asked to submit amendments ahead of time, and, per Alderperson Brad Firkus (District 3), three amendments have been offered thus far, two by Alderperson Chad […]

Alderperson Vered Meltzer’s Invocation At 11/02/2022 Common Council Meeting – “Now is the time for remembering the dead and also for remembering our ancestors. Now is the time for telling their stories.”

Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alder Meltzer. Alderperson Vered Meltzer (District 2): I’m going to start tonight with a land acknowledgement. Appleton occupies ancestral lands of the Menominee tribe. For 10,000 years the Menominee ancestral lands spanned Wisconsin and included parts of […]

Common Council Receives Library Project Update – Director Gazza Outlines Scope Reduction Plans

The Common Council met 11/02/2022. They received a 10-minute update on the Library Project. Here’s a PDF of the full discussion transcript: Director of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Dean Gazza reiterated to the Council that the city’s goal was to remain within the established budget. […]

After Alderperson Meltzer Proposes Replacing Aldermanic Parking Pass With $480 Cash Value, Common Council Refers Aldermanic Salary Item Back To Committee For Further Review

The issue of the 2024 aldermanic salaries has been referred back to the Human Resources and Information Technology Committee for further discussion. The committee will be discussing and voting on an amendment offered by Alderperson Vered Meltzer (District 2) during the 11/02/2022 Common Council meeting […]

Common Council Approves Updated Street Terrace Policy Allowing Residents To Plant Vegetable Gardens In Terraces

The Common Council met 11/02/2022. One of the items they took up was the request to approve modifications to the City of Appleton Street Terrace Policy. The main modifications being voted on were to allow residents to plant vegetable gardens up to 36” high and […]

Common Council Meeting 11/02/2022 – Will Receive Library Project Update; Vote On Street Terrace Policy, 2024 Alderperson Salaries, Non-Union Employee Compensation, Wastewater Rate Increase

The Common Council is meeting 11/02/2022 at 7PM. Mayor Woodford will be  presenting a number of proclamations. The Council will also receive an update on the Library Project. There seemed to be some technical issues with the videos of the committee meetings last weeks. A number […]