The Appleton Common Council is meeting 06/02/2021 at 7PM. This will be Health Officer Kurt Eggebrecht’s last Common Council meeting before his retirement, so they will presenting him with a Certificate of Appreciation and celebrating his time with the city. Mayor Woodford will be presenting […]
Author: All Things Appleton
Safety And Licensing Committee Considers Regulations Surrounding Alcohol Sales By Gas Stations
Appleton’s Safety and Licensing Committee met 05/26/2021. Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) was excuse and Alderperson Alex Schultz (District 9) was absent, so the committee only had three members, but they still had a quorum so they could conduct business. It was not a […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 05/30/2021
Coronavirus numbers for 05/30/2021 are now available. Appleton has stopped posting numbers over the weekend, so these numbers are for 05/28-05/30. Over the course of those dates, Appleton had 3 new confirmed cases and 1 new probable case. Active cases dropped by 13 to 57. […]
Finance Committee Approves All Requests To Award Projects, Discusses How Project Contingencies Are Determined
The Appleton Finance Committee met 05/24/2021. It was a brief meeting–only 9 minutes long–nevertheless they did conduct business and there were a couple interesting parts. They took up the first three agenda items together. 1. 21-0719 Request to award Unit E-21 Miscellaneous Concrete & Street […]
Mayor Woodford To Present 4 Mayoral Proclamations At 06/02/2021 Common Council Meeting
During the 06/02/2021 Common Council meeting, Mayor Woodford will be presenting 4 Mayoral Proclamations. With the first, he proclaims June 2021 to be Pride Month in Appleton and urges “all citizens to honor, celebrate, and promote equal rights for all people, regardless of sexual orientation […]
Public Arts Committee Meeting 06/01/2021
The Public Arts Committee is meeting 06/01/2021 at 7:45 AM. It looks like it may be an interesting meeting. They only have one action item–elect a vice-chair–but their main information item looks fairly interesting. They will be discussing the Art in Public Places Policy history, […]
Municipal Services Committee Votes To Approve Variance Allowing Homeowner To Expand His Driveway
On 05/24/2021 the Municipal Services Committee took up a request from a homeowner for a variance to municipal code 19-91 (f)(5) to extend his driveway 10 feet into the greater front yard. Municipal Code 19-91 (f)(5) states “Whenever practicable, the extension shall be located on […]
Community And Economic Development Committee Discusses And Votes On Two Development Projects
The Community and Economic Development Committee met 05/26/2021. It was a very short meeting, only 8 minutes long, but there was some interesting information on a couple of projects. Both items were critical timing. The first item they took up was the “request to approve […]
Municipal Services Committee Reviews 2020 Parking Utility Report, Discusses Ways To Respond To Budget Shortfall
The Municipal Services Committee met 05/24/2021. During that meeting they reviewed the 2020 Annual Parking Utility Report. Director Paula Vandehey said that typically her department was always excited to present the annual report and list all their accomplishments, but they didn’t get much done in […]
Coronavirus Numbers For 05/27/2021
Coronavirus numbers for 0527/2021. 1 new confirmed case and 1 new probable. Active cases rose by 1 to 70. Cases out of isolation increased by 1 to 8,676. Deaths remained unchanged at 65. Appleton has announced that its Covid dashboard will only be updated Monday-Friday […]