Finance Committee Votes Unanimously To Move Forward With Wastewater Treatment Plant Heat To Power Project

The Finance Committee met 08/21/2023 and took up a number of items related to a Waste Heat to Power Project. The city would like to install two waste heat-to-power generators at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. These generators would allow them to take the methane gas […]

Finance Committee Denies St Joseph’s Cemetery’s Reimbursement Request For Upkeep Of Veterans’ Graves After Cemetery Misses Deadline To Submit Supporting Documentation

The Finance Committee met 08/21/2023. One of the items they took up was the St. Joseph’s Cemetery reimbursement request for the maintenance of veteran graves. This item had been referred back to the committee after questions were raised as to how much money if any […]

Two Resolutions Introduced At 08/16/2023 Common Council Meeting – First Supports Mental Health Awareness And Services, Second Requires Additional Shared Revenue To Be Spent Only On Infrastructure And Public Safety

Two resolutions were introduced during the Common Council meeting on 08/16/2023. Resolution 9-R-23, submitted by Alderperson Nate Wolff (District 12), is a Resolution Supporting Mental Health Awareness and Services in the City of Appleton. If passed as written if would require the city of Appleton […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Request To Allow Police Community Service Vans To Park On 200 Block Of Elm Street, Installation Of Additional Streetlight On W Weiland Lane

The Municipal Services Committee met 08/21/2023. It was not a long meeting, and there were only three action items on the agenda. Around half of the meeting was taken up with discussion around the request to apply for a grant to replace 21 traffic signal […]

Municipal Services Committee Approve Request To Apply For A Grant To Replace 21 Traffic Signal Computers/Controllers, Discusses Issues With Current Vendor Siemens

The Municipal Services Committee met 08/21/2023. One of the items they took up was a request to approve a grant application for $220,750 to cover the replacement of 21 existing traffic signal computers/controllers and software along Wis DOT connecting highways (State Highways 47, 96, and […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 08/23/2023 – Will Receive Update On Project To Upgrade Regional Fire/EMS Portal Radios

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 08/23/2023 at 5:30PM. They have no agenda items but they will be receiving a number of information items. The first is an update on the Fire Department’s request to purchase radio equipment. Last August, the Appleton Fire Department […]

City Plan Commission Meeting 08/23/2023 – Will Vote On Prospera Annexation, Reconfiguration Of Parcels In Southpoint Commerce Park

The City Plan Commission is meeting 08/23/2023 at 3:30PM. They have two action items on the agenda. The first is a request to approve the annexation of Prospera Credit Union on Ballard Road from the Town of Grand Chute to Appleton. The property owner also […]

Finance Committee Meeting 08/21/2023 – Will Vote On Miracle League Field Resurfacing Contract, St. Joseph’s Cemetery Reimbursement

The Finance Committee is meeting today, 08/21/2023, at 5:30PM. They have a number of Waste Water Treatment Plant action items on the agenda including awarding a project, approving a contract amendment, accepting some grants, and approving a balance transfer from one project to another. They […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting Today 08/21/2023 – Will Vote On Grant Application To Replace Traffic Controllers, Request From Police Department To Allow Community Service Officer Vehicles To Be Parks On Elm Street

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting today, 08/21/2023, at 4:30PM. They have three action items on the agenda. The first is a request to approve a grant application for funds to replace 21 existing traffic computers/controller and software along State Highways 47, 96, and 125. […]