Community And Economic Development Committee Unanimously Approves Appleton Conservancy Resolution – Deputy Director Kress Confirms Funds Generated By TIF District 13 Can Go Toward Park Development

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 07/26/2023. One of the items they took up was Resolution 8-R-23 which would create the Appleton Conservancy Park in Southpoint Commerce Park and would dedicate city-owned land in Southpoint Commerce Park for parkland, trailhead, and trail. Alderperson Katie […]

Common Council Meeting 07/19/2023 – Will Vote On TIF 13, Core’s Lounge Alcohol License, Memorial In Ellen Kort Peace Park, Health Department Changes, Gold Cross Ambulance Service Agreement

The Common Council is meeting 07/19/2023 at 7PM. It’s been a few weeks since the last Council meeting which was on 06/21/2023. Since that time, there have been two weeks of committee meetings so there are more items than usual on the agenda. Mayor Woodford […]

City Plan Commission Approves Creation Of Tax Incremental Financing District #13 To Facilitate Installation Of Utility Infrastructure In Southpoint Commerce Park

The City Plan Commission met 06/28/2023. One of the items they took up was a request to approve the proposed district boundaries and project plan for Tax Incremental Financing District 13 in Southpoint Commerce Park. TIFs in general and this TIF specifically had been discussed […]

City Plan Commission Meeting 06/28/2023 – Will Take Up Rezoning Request And Special Use Permit For The Heritage, Creation Of TIF District 13, Public Land Dedication

The City Plan Commission is meeting 06/28/2023 at 3:30PM. The agenda includes three public hearings with associated action items. The first is a rezoning request for 2600 S Heritage Woods Drive in Appleton from  a PD/R-3 Planned Development Amendment #G-98 Multi-Family District to an R-3 […]

City Staff Presents Proposal For Southpoint Commerce Park TIF District Citing Need To Promote Development, Gives Overview Of What TIFs Are And How They Work

The City Plan Commission and the Community and Economic Development Committee each met 05/24/2023. During their respective meetings, they each discussed a proposal to create Tax Increment Financing District #13 in Southpoint Commerce Park. As part of that discussion, city staff gave a presentation on […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Meeting 05/24/2023 – Will Vote On Development Agreement To Turn City Center Into A Mixed Use Center With Housing, Supportive Services, Health Care, Retail, And Commercial Businesses

The Community and Economic Development Committee is meeting 05/24/2023 at 6:30PM. The one action item on their agenda is a request to approve a development agreement with Fox Commons Properties, LLC for the “transformation” of City Center “into a mixed-use center (Fox Commons) comprised of […]