Common Council Meeting 09/15/2021 – Will Vote On Afghani Refugee Resolution And Alderperson Salary Increase

The Appleton Common Council is meeting 09/15/2021 at 7PM. Amongst other things, there will be a library project update and a Covid-19 update as well as two reappointments (one to the Appleton Redevelopment Authority and one to the City Plan Commission). Although one never knows […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Refers Excess Vehicle Noise Resolution To Staff – Wants To Come Up With Ways To Combat Noise On College Avenue

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 09/08/2021. The main item on the agenda was Resolution 14-R-21 regarding excessive vehicle noise. Although they decided fairly early on that they wanted to refer the item to staff for more research and work, they still spent most of […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Votes Unanimously To Approve Afghani Refugee Resolution

On 09/08/2021 the Community and Economic Development Committee took up Resolution #13-R-21 “Support for Resettlement of Afghanistan Parolees in Appleton”. It seems a little sad that, on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 I’m posting a recap of a meeting focused on the resettlement of refugees […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 09/08/2021 – Will Take Up Excess Vehicle Noise Resolution

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 09/08/2021 at 5:30 PM. They have 3 action items on the agenda—2 sets of alcohol license applications renewals and then Resolution #14-R-21 regarding excessive vehicle noise. If passed, the resolution would amend the noise section of Appleton’s Municipal […]

Editing Error Led To Alderperson Being Incorrectly Listed As Resolution Sponsor

While I recognize that this isn’t a hugely important thing, I was curious as to how Alderperson Brad Firkus (District 3) was incorrectly listed as a co-sponsor of the Afghani Resettlement Resolution when he hadn’t even seen the text of the resolution yet. I reached […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Meeting 09/08/2021 – Will Take Up Afghani Refugee Resettlement Resolution

The Community And Economic Development Committee is meeting 09/08/2021 at 4:30PM. The main item of interest is probably Resolution #13-R-21 which shows support for the resettlement of Afghanistan refugees in Appleton. Although in 2019, President Donald Trump issued an executive order that would have given […]

Afghani Resettlement Resolution And Vehicle Noise Resolution Introduced At 09/01/2021 Common Council Meeting – Alderperson Firkus Incorrectly Listed As Cosponsor On Afghani Resettlement Resolution

Two resolutions were submitted at the 09/01/2021 Common Council meeting. The first was Resolution #13-R-21 Support for Resettlement of Afghanistan Parolees in Appleton. There was a slight hiccup with this resolution. Alderperson Brad Firkus (District 3) was initially listed as being a cosponsor of the […]

Common Council Approves Scavenging Resolution And Long-Term Lease For “Stairway To The Stars” Sculpture

During the 09/01/2021 Common Council meeting, the Council separated two items out for individual votes. The first item was Resolution 10-R-21 regarding the scavenging of solid waste/recyclables. The Municipal Services Committee had voted unanimously to recommend for approval updated language that would permit the scavenging […]

Common Council Passes Amended Health Officer Resolution On 8-5 Vote

On 08/18/2021 the Appleton Common Council took up and ultimately approved Resolution 12-R-21 regarding health mandates and the hiring of a health officer. This resolution was sponsored by Alderpersons Joe Martin (District 4), Matt Reed (District 8), Sheri Hartzheim (District 13), and Chad Doran (District […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes Unanimously To Approve Updated Scavenging Resolution – Will Allow The Scavenging Of Bulky Overflow Items

The Municipal Services Committee met 08/23/2021 and took up Resolution 10-R-21 which was related to the scavenging of solid waste. The committee had discussed this during their August 9th meeting during which they seemed to reach a general consensus that they liked the idea of […]