In Narrow 6-8 Vote, Common Council Denies Soldier’s Square Revitalization Resolution

The Appleton Common Council met 06/01/2022. One of the items they took up was Resolution 6-R-22, the Soldier’s Square Resolution. The resolution was recommended for denial twice by the Municipal Services Committee, and the Common Council ended up also denying it by a narrow 6-8 […]

Municipal Services Votes Again To Deny Soldier’s Square Resolution After Determining Denial Won’t Interfere With Private Group’s Ability To Bring Future Plan Forward

The Municipal Services Committee met 05/23/2022. One of the items they took up was the Soldier’s Square Resolution. The committee had previously voted to recommend the resolution be denied, but after it went to the full Council Alderperson Alex Schultz (District 9) requested it be […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 05/23/2022 – Will Receive Presentation On Transportation Utility Study, Vote On Referred-back Soldier’s Square Resolution

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 05/23/2022 at 4:30PM. Although not an action item, the committee will be receiving a presentation from Elhers/reSmith on the Transportation Utility study. The committee will also discuss creating a transportation utility and next steps. The committee last received an […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes To Deny Soldier’s Square Resolution

The Municipal Services Committee met 05/09/2022 and took up the Soldier’s Square Resolution. This resolution had been discussed during the 04/25/2022 committee meeting where the committee members initially seemed to be leaning toward denying the resolution but then put ultimately put it on hold for […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes To Hold Soldier’s Square Resolution Until Next Committee Meeting

The Municipal Services Committee met 04/25/2022 and took up Resolution 6-R-22, the Soldier’s Square Resolution. The committee ultimately ended up voting to hold the item for two weeks until the next Municipal Services Committee meeting to give time for staff to provide some cost estimates […]

Utilities Committee Meeting 04/26/2022 – YTD Water Main Breaks Are Up 33% Compared To 2021’s Already Near Record Breaking Numbers

The Utilities Committee is meeting 04/26/2022 at 5PM. The meeting only has two action items, one of which is to elect a vice-chair and the other which is to approve the acceptance of the Department of Natural Resources Safe Drinking Water Loan Program Grant of […]

Two Resolutions Introduced During 04/20/2022 Common Council Meeting – Water Main Resolution and Soldier’s Square Resolution

Two resolutions were introduced during the 04/20/2022 Common Council meeting. Resolution #5-R-22 Water Main Resolution was submitted by Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15). It notes that the City of Appleton is borrowing for roughly 80% of annual road projects and experienced a near record amount […]