Public Arts Committee Discusses Holding Photo Contest To Fill Houdini Plaza Welcome Tower – “Images that Define Appleton” Discussed As Possible Theme, Would Like Photos From Residents 18 And Younger

The Public Arts Committee met 08/03/2022. The main purpose of the meeting was to informally discuss plans for placing new images in the Houdini Plaza Welcome Tower. The current “Rhythms of the World” photos were placed there in Spring of 2022. Per City Planner Jessica […]

Public Arts Committee Meeting 08/03/2022 – Will Discuss Selection Process For New Houdini Tower Artwork

The Public Arts Committee is meeting 08/03/2022 at 8:30AM. If this meeting is not cancelled, it will be their first meeting since March of this year. Outside of the housekeeping items of electing a chair and vice-chair, the main purpose of the meeting is to […]

Public Arts Committee Meeting 03/02/2022 – Will Vote On Downtown Creates 2022 Event Series

The Appleton Public Arts Committee is meeting 03/02/2022 at 8:30AM. The one action item on the agenda is a request from Creative Downtown Appleton Inc for the 2022 Downtown Creates Event Series along the College Avenue amenity strip. They have a series of events from […]

Public Arts Committee Meeting 12/01/2021 – Will Choose Photos To Fill Houdini Plaza Welcome Tower

The Public Arts Committee is meeting 12/01/2021 at 8:30AM. The one item on the agenda is making the final selection for the pictures to be displayed in the Houdini Plaza Welcome Tower. During the 11/03/2021 committee meeting they decided to fill the tower with pictures […]

Public Arts Committee Approves Lease Extensions For Three Sculptures – Gesture Of Conscience, To The Moon Alice, and The Collective

The Public Arts Committee met 11/03/2021. Amongst several things they took up lease extension requests for three Sculpture Valley sculptures currently located on public property—The Collective, Gyan/Gesture of Conscience, and To the Moon Alice. Alex Schultz, who is the alderperson for District 9, appeared in […]

Public Arts Committee Chooses Photos From Rhythms Of The World Event To Fill Houdini Plaza Welcome Tower

The Public Arts Committee met 11/03/2021. One of the items on their agenda was to determine how to fill the Houdini Plaza Welcome Tower. They had discussed the item at their previous meeting but made no final determination and came to this meeting with the […]

Public Arts Committee Meeting 11/03/2021 – Will Vote On Lease Extensions For Three Sculptures; Decide On Process For Filling Houdini Plaza Welcome Tower

The Public Arts Committee is meeting 11/03/2021 at 8:30AM. They’ll be taking up a number of items. The Municipal Services Committee already voted to recommend that the lease for The Collective sculpture on College Avenue be extended for 6 months through the end of April […]

Public Arts Committee Votes To Hold Welcome Tower Item – Will Decide At Next Meeting Whether To Hold Photo Contest, Use Rhythms Of The World Photos, Or A Combination Of Both Options

The Public Arts Committee met 10/06/2021. The purpose of the meeting was to determine a selection process for filling the Houdini Plaza Welcome Tower. At the previous meeting the committee had decided to hold a photo contest with the theme of “Diversity”, but since that […]

Public Arts Committee Meeting 10/06/2021 – Will Determine Plan To Replace Houdini Square Welcome Tower Photos

The Public Arts Committee is meeting 10/06/2021 at 8:30 AM. They have one action item on the agenda which is to determine the selection process for new artwork to be placed in the Houdini Square Welcome Tower. During the meeting in August, the committee had decided […]