Common Council Meeting On 03/01/2023 Lasts Only 8 Minutes – Mayor Woodford Asks The Public To Donate To Multiple Sclerosis Fundraising Effort So He Doesn’t Have To Sing In Front Of De Pere Residents

The Common Council met 03/01/2023. It was probably one of the shortest Common Council meetings on record, clocking it at around 8 minutes. I’ve prepared a PDF transcript of the meeting for your downloading pleasure. Not only was the meeting short in length, it was […]

Alderperson Vered Meltzer’s Invocation At 03/01/2023 Common Council Meeting – “I would like to share a poem with you tonight by Mary Oliver.”

Mayor Jake Woodford: Good evening I now call to order the Wednesday March 1, 2023 meeting of the Appleton Common Council. Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alder Meltzer. Alderperson Vered Meltzer (District 2): Thank you. I would like to share a poem with you […]

Common Council Meeting 03/01/2023 – Will Vote On Complete Streets Study Scope, Items Related To Valley Transit’s Whitman Avenue Facility Remodel

The Common Council is meeting 03/01/2023 at 7:00 PM. There are not a lot of action items on the agenda, but there were a few items that garnered discussion at the committee level and may end up being separated out for individual votes. The scope […]

Alderpersons Del Toro, Meltzer, Fenton, Schultz, And Wolff Introduce Resolution That Would Ban The Use Of Chemical Fertilizer And Pesticides On Properties Smaller Than 5 Acres Within The City Of Appleton

During the 02/15/2023 Common Council meeting, the first resolution of 2023 was introduced. Resolution 1-R-23, entitled “On The Adoption of Language To Control The Unintended Misuse or and Overuse of Pesticides, Herbicides and Fertilizers or Public Property” was submitted by Alderpersons Israel Del Toro (District […]

Alderperson Fenton’s Invocation At 02/15/2023 Common Council Meeting – “Local government is the easiest place to make your voice heard.”

Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be offered by Alder Fenton. Alderperson Denise Fenton (District 6): Thank you, and happy National Wisconsin Day to those who celebrate. Last Sunday…. Mayor Woodford: Move your mic a little closer. Alderperson Fenton: Better? Last Sunday, I watched the Super […]

Common Council Approves State/City Funding Agreement For Lawe Street Reconstruction, 6-Month Parking Trial On Prospect Avenue Near Oneida Street

The Common Council met 02/15/2023. It was a shorter meeting clocking in at under 30 minutes. The first half of the meeting was taken up by Business Presented By The Mayor including updates on the Trout Museum/Ellen Kort Peace Park and the 12/26/2022 Polymer Incident […]

Mayor Woodford Provides Council With Update On 12/26/2022 Polymer Incident – Praises The Hard Work Of Staff Which Helped Avoid A More Serious Issue

The Common Council met 02/15/2023. In addition to the update on the Trout Museum/Ellen Kort Peace Park proposal, Mayor Woodford also provided an update on the Polymer Incident that the wastewater treatment plan experienced on 12/26/2022. I’ve provided a complete transcript of the discussion for […]

Mayor Woodford Provides Statement On Status Of Trout Museum/Ellen Kort Peace Park Proposal – Trout Currently Reviewing Environmental Assessment Report

The Common Council met 02/15/2023. At that meeting, Mayor Woodford provided an update on where the Trout Museum is in its journey to gain approval to construct a museum building on the grounds of Ellen Kort Peace Park. This was touched on briefly during the […]

Common Council Meeting 02/15/2023 – Will Receive Updates On Trout Museum/Ellen Kort Peace Park Proposal, The 12/26/2022 Polymer Incident At Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Common Council is meeting 02/15/2023 at 7PM. The committee meetings last week were all pretty tame, so I would not expect any of them to result in long drawn-out discussions in the Council meeting, although some, such as the Legal Services reorganization, may be […]

Where Is The City At With Funding For Infrastructure Maintenance? – 8 Alderpersons And The Mayor Weigh In

Back in December of 2022, the Common Council voted to approve Resolution 12-R-22. In its original form, this resolution would have eliminated the aldermanic parking pass benefit, currently valued at $480 annually per alderperson, and reallocated the $7,200 in total funds to the Public Works […]