Safety And Licensing Committee Approves Purchase Of New Fire Department Radios – Cost Will Be Paid For Partly From Grant Funds, Remaining $315,000 With City Funds

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 08/23/2023. It was not a long meeting, but the item that took up the bulk of their time was the Fire Department’s request to approve the purchase of radio equipment. Last August, the Appleton Fire Department along with 18 […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 08/23/2023 – Will Receive Update On Project To Upgrade Regional Fire/EMS Portal Radios

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 08/23/2023 at 5:30PM. They have no agenda items but they will be receiving a number of information items. The first is an update on the Fire Department’s request to purchase radio equipment. Last August, the Appleton Fire Department […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Reviews Paramedic Staffing Levels At Fire Department And Gold Cross, Votes Unanimously To Approve Gold Cross Service Agreement After Amending It To Include A 6-Month Reporting Requirement By Gold Cross And The Fire Department To The Committee

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 08/09/2023. One of the items they took up was the Fire Department Service Agreement for Gold Cross Ambulance. This was previously approved unanimously by the committee but then referred back to the committee for further discussion by Alderperson William […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Holds Gold Cross Ambulance Service Agreement Until 08/09/2023 Meeting So Gold Cross Representatives Can Attend

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 07/26/2023. One of the items on the agenda was the Fire Department Ambulance Service Agreement With Gold Cross. This item had been discussed extensively at the 07/12/2023 committee meeting. One of the issues discussed was staffing levels on the […]

Common Council Meeting 07/19/2023 – Will Vote On TIF 13, Core’s Lounge Alcohol License, Memorial In Ellen Kort Peace Park, Health Department Changes, Gold Cross Ambulance Service Agreement

The Common Council is meeting 07/19/2023 at 7PM. It’s been a few weeks since the last Council meeting which was on 06/21/2023. Since that time, there have been two weeks of committee meetings so there are more items than usual on the agenda. Mayor Woodford […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Approves 3 Year Ambulance Service Agreement With Gold Cross

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 07/12/2023. Most of the meeting was taken up by review and discussion of the Fire Department service agreement for Gold Cross ambulance. Fire Chief Jeremy Hansen reviewed the agreement, and then the committee voted unanimously to recommend it for […]

CEA Agency Review Committee Meeting 06/12/2023 – Will Vote On Requests To Sole Source Purchase Fire Truck And Provide Letter Of Intent To Purchase Asphalt Paver

The Central Equipment Agency Review Committee is meeting 06/12/2023 at 4PM. They will be voting on two action items. The first is a request to purchase a fire truck via sole source and order it prior to 07/15/2023. The Fire Department wants to order from […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Receives 2022 Annual Fire Department Report, Update To City’s Emergency Operations Plan, Directors’ Reports

The Safety And Licensing Committee met 03/08/2023. They received a number of information items including: I’ve prepared a transcript of the full discussion for your downloading pleasure: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN UPDATES – Cassidy Walsh, the city’s Emergency Management Coordinator, told the committee that the Emergency […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Reviews And Approves 2023-2025 Firefighter Contract – Contract Would Eliminate Longevity Pay, Raise Wages By 7.75% Over 3 Years, Increase Pay For Paramedics

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee met 10/12/2022. One of the items they discussed and voted on was the request to approve the 2023-2025 firefighter contract. Human Resources Director Jay Ratchman and Fire Chief Jeremy Hansen highlighted some of the changes in this most […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Votes On Two Grants For Fire Department, Receives Update On Third

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 09/28/2022. They voted on two grants received by the Fire Department and received an update from Fire Chief Hansen on another grant. The first grant they voted to approve was FEMA’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) for a Regional […]