Municipal Services Committee Receive College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration Update – Restriping To Start July 10, Expected To Be Completed Mid-July

The Municipal Services Committee met 06/26/2023. One of the items they received was an update on the College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration project. The update was so brief there really is no need to provide a transcript of the discussion. Director of Public Works Danielle Block […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Votes Unanimously To Deny Beer License To Core’s Lounge – Points To Ongoing Noise Complaints And Code Violations As Reason For Denial

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 06/28/2023. They spent about 15 minutes discussing the Class “B” Beer License application from Core’s Lounge. Its alcohol license had been revoked in April of 2022, due to having accrued over 200 demerit points on their license. Now, a […]

Finance Committee Rejects Bid For Miracle League Field Resurfacing Project – Bid Was $144,000 Over-Budget, Goodwill Working On Raising Additional Funds

The Finance Committee met 06/26/2023. One of the items they took up was a request to reject a bid from Keifer USA for the Memorial Park Miracle League Field Resurfacing Project because it was significantly over-budget. The city had expected the project to cost around […]

Finance Committee Approves Request To Apply For Loan To Replace Private Lead Service Lines – City Will Only Accept If Loan Includes Principal Forgiveness

The Finance Committee met 06/26/2023. One of the items they took up was a request to apply for a Safe Drinking Water Loan through the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. If awarded this money would be used to help pay for the replacement of private […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting 06/28/2023 – Will Vote On Police Department Position Changes, Receive Information On Shutting Down Of City’s Old Enterprise Resource System

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is meeting 06/28/2023 at 4:30PM. They only have one action item on the agenda which is a reorganization of the Appleton Police Department. Per the memo, the department’s “Support Services Lieutenant will be reassigned to patrol on January […]

City Plan Commission Meeting 06/28/2023 – Will Take Up Rezoning Request And Special Use Permit For The Heritage, Creation Of TIF District 13, Public Land Dedication

The City Plan Commission is meeting 06/28/2023 at 3:30PM. The agenda includes three public hearings with associated action items. The first is a rezoning request for 2600 S Heritage Woods Drive in Appleton from  a PD/R-3 Planned Development Amendment #G-98 Multi-Family District to an R-3 […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 06/28/2023 – Will Vote On Request To Deny Beer License To Core’s Lounge, Discuss Recent Sushi Lover Alcohol License Violation

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 06/28/2023 at 5:30PM. There are a few items that look potentially pretty interesting. A representative from Sushi Lover will be appearing to discuss their alcohol license demerit point violation for having no licensed operator on the premises on […]

Fox Cities Transit Commission Meeting 06/27/2023 – Will Vote On Purchase 6 Bus Shelters, Contract With Security Service

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 06/27/2023 at 2:50PM. They have three action items on the agenda. The first is the routine request to approve payments for the month of May. The second is a request for approval to purchase replacement bus shelters. Per […]

Finance Committee Meeting 06/26/2023 – Will Vote On WDNR Loan For Lead Pipe Replacement, Dance Studio Remodeling Project

The Finance Committee is meeting 06/26/2023 at 5:30PM. They will be voting on a request to apply for a Safe Drinking Water Loan. This is funding available through the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to help municipalities assist property owners with costs associated with the […]