Gabriel and Lisa Gutenberger Now Facing 9 Additional Felony Charges Each In Child Abuse Case

A bit of an update on the Gutenberger child abuse case. Gabriel and Lisa Gutenberger had been facing 4 felony counts each for the abuse they perpetrated against Gabriel’s two children from his first marriage. The State has now tacked on 9 additional felony charges […]

Mayor Woodford To Present 6 Proclamations At The 05/19/2021 Common Council Meeting

This evening, at the 05/19/2021 Common Council meeting, Mayor Woodford will be presenting 6 new mayoral proclamations. The first proclaims May 15-22, 2021 to be Creative Economy Week as a way “to celebrate and promote the arts, creativity, and vitality in and for our community.” […]

Board Of Health Hears Covid Mitigation Plan For Mile Of Music, Approves Noise Variance

As you have probably seen, Mile of Music released a preliminary announcement stating that they are coming back this year. An official announcement will come at the end of the month with more details. I thought it would be interesting to see where they started […]

City Of Appleton Seeks Members For Public Library Building Advisory Committee

The City of Appleton is forming an Appleton Public Library Building Advisory Committee. From the listing… Public input will continue to be a priority throughout this project. In addition to opportunities for the general public to offer feedback and engage in the design process, a […]