Lawe Street Truck Route Resolution Referred Back To Committee – Staff Report Indicates If Truck Route Designation Is Removed The City Could Lose $2.8 Million In Grant Funds For Reconstruction Project

The Common Council met 10/04/2023. Five members of the public spoke during the time of public participation. They all spoke about Resolution 10-R-22 which calls for city staff to investigate removing the truck route designation from Lawe Street between College Avenue and Hancock Street. The […]

Common Council Meeting 10/04/2023 – Will Receive 2024 Budget Presentation, Vote On Lawe Street Truck Route Resolution And Green Bicycle Company Consulting Contract

The Common Council is meeting 10/04/2023 at 7PM. Although there are not very many action items on the agenda, the meeting still has the potential to be on the longer side. The Mayor’s Business portion of the meeting is fairly full. Mayor Woodford will be […]

Recap Of Public Comments At 09/20/2023 Common Council Meeting Regarding Clearwater Creek Development

The Common Council met 09/20/2023 and during that meeting listened to around 50 minutes of public comment, almost all of which was related to the Clearwater Creek subdivision. The developer was wanting to rezone some adjacent land from agricultural to residential and then add that […]

Common Council Approves Increased Fees For Clerk’s Office And Fire Department

The Common Council met 09/20/2023. Two of the items that were separated out for individual votes were the Clerk’s Office License Fee Changes and the updates to Chapter 6 of the municipal code related to the Fire Department which included moving to the 2021 International […]

Common Council Votes Down Bird Safe Glass Resolution – Alderpersons Express Concerns Over $10,000 Cost Of Retrofitting Windows On City-Owned Buildings

The Common Council met 09/20/2023. One of the items they took up was Resolution 6-R-23, the bird safe glass resolution which they ended up voting down by a vote of 10-5. The resolution initially called for the creation of a bird safe glass ordinance in […]

Common Council Votes 11-4 Against State Shared Revenue Allocation Resolution – Alderperson Wolff Calls Resolution “Garbage”

The Common Council met 09/20/2023. One of the items they separated out for an individual vote was Resolution 10-R-23 regarding the allocation of state shared revenue aid. This resolution was recommended for denial by a vote of 3-2 by the Finance Committee. The resolution called […]

Common Council Votes 12-3 To Approve Rezoning Of Land Next To Clearwater Creek, 11-4 To Approve Addition To The Subdivision

The Common Council met 09/20/2023. Two of the items they took up and separated out for individual votes were a request to rezone property located along the Clearwater Creek subdivision from agricultural to residential and then a request to add that land to the Clearwater […]

Common Council Approves Street Occupancy Permit Related To Fox Commons Development – Public Access To City Hall Drive-Through Window Will Still Be Available On Key Dates

The Common Council met 09/20/2023. One of the items they separated out for an individual vote was the street occupancy permit for perimeter fencing and staging related to the Fox Commons Development in City Center. This fencing was expected to stay up through 12/31/2023 and […]

Resolution Supporting Mental Health Awareness Referred Back To Board Of Health Because Recording Of Previous Board Of Health Discussion On The Resolution Was Unavailable

The Common Council met 09/20/2023. One of the items on the agenda was Resolution 9-R-23 the Resolution Supporting Mental Health Awareness and Services in the City of Appleton. The resolution had been recommended for approval with no changes by the Board of Health during their […]

Common Council Meeting 09/20/2023 – Will Vote On Clearwater Creek Addition, Resolutions On Shared Revenue, Bird Safe Glass, And Mental Health

The Common Council is meeting 09/20/2023 at 7PM. If I had to guess, I would say it has the potential to be one of the longer Council meetings of this year as there are a number of items that garnered discussion during the committee meetings. […]