Mayor Seeking Feedback On Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Coordinator Position

As posted last week, the city of Appleton is seeking a new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator. The article on the city website announcing Karen Nelson’s departure stated that “Mayor Woodford plans to gather input from community partners who represent various, diverse groups in Appleton […]

Student Enrollment Down 428 Since September — Potentially Down Over 1000 From Prior School Year

As you may remember, schools officially count the number of students enrolled on the 3rd Friday in September and the 2nd Friday in January. Per Greg Hartjes, on the 3rd Friday in September, 2020, AASD’s enrollment stood at 15,710. As of the 2nd Friday in […]

Human Resources Committee Discusses Alderperson Salary Increase

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee met 01/27/2021. One of the items was a discussion about Alderperson salary. Per HR Director Sandy Matz, this item should have been up for discussion in the fall, but with communication and routines upended due to coronavirus, that […]