Finance Committee Approves Five Items

The Finance Committee met 02/07/2022. The vast bulk of the meeting was taken up with discussion about Resolution 2-R-22, but they did spend the meeting’s first handful of minutes attending to the other action items on the agenda.

The first item was the “Request to award Unit W-22 Sewer & Water Reconstruction No. 1 to Kruczek Construction Inc in the amount of $1,366,667 with a 7.5% contingency of $102,500 for a project total not to exceed $1,469,167.”

This was approved without questions or comments.

The second item was the request to approve a 2022 Budget amendment taking $15,000 from the Sanitation Fund Balance and moving it to Grounds Maintenance to provide funding for contracted maintenance at the Mackville Landfill.

This was also approved with no questions or discussions.

The third item was the “Request to approve an increase in contract contingency as part of the 2021 Secondary Clarifier Drive Removal, Rebuild, and Reinstallation Project totaling $75,000 resulting in an increase to contingency from $26,145 to $101,145.”

This item did garner brief discussion. Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15), who is a member of the committee, asked Utilities Director Chris Shaw if the damage to the Secondary Clarifier Drive which was mentioned in the last paragraph of the first page of the memo was something city staff was concerned could be an issue with any of the other drives. Was it something that needed to be looked into or was it just a one-off unforeseen thing that happened?

Director Shaw answered that because of the age of the equipment there is a good probability that this problem may exist in other drives. He went on to explain that the $75,000 contingency fee was more of an allowance. If they don’t end up finding those conditions on other clarifiers then they won’t spend it, but they wanted the funding to be available because there is a good probability that the other drives have this problem because of their age.

There were no further questions and the item was approved unanimously.

The fourth item was a request to approve the sole source purchase of a primary sludge pump from WasteCorp Pump and approve a 2022 Budget amendment moving $38,000 from the 2021 Carryover Funds (secondary Clarifier Drive Project) to Machinery and Equipment.

This was approved with no questions or discussion.

The fifth item was a request to approve a number of 2021 Budget amendment related to donations rand grant funds received by the Police Department.

This was approved with no discussion or comment.

View full meeting details and video here:

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