Community And Economic Development Committee Meeting 09/08/2021 – Will Take Up Afghani Refugee Resettlement Resolution

The Community And Economic Development Committee is meeting 09/08/2021 at 4:30PM.

The main item of interest is probably Resolution #13-R-21 which shows support for the resettlement of Afghanistan refugees in Appleton.

Although in 2019, President Donald Trump issued an executive order that would have given more authority to state and local governments regarding whether or not refugees were resettled in their areas, President Joe Biden has since rescinded his predecessor’s order, so it would seem this resolution doesn’t legally influence things one way or the other regarding whether Afghani refugees are resettled in Appleton. Both World Relief Fox Valley and Lutheran Social Services are already preparing to help any Afghani refugees who end up being relocated to the Fox Cities area.

The committee will also be voting on approving city program funding and city proposals for 2022 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding.

A prospective buyer of a property on Capitol Drive is seeking confirmation that a variance on the property that would permit the construction of an office “is not personal to the original buyer and would carry with the land.” Staff is recommending that the Variance Clarification document the buyer submitted be approved.

The committee will also be receiving an update on the College Avenue North Neighborhood Plan. This update looks like it is the same update that the Appleton Redevelopment Authority Committee is also receiving during their meeting.

View full meeting details here:

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