The Common Council met 04/03/2024. One of the items separated out for an individual vote was the request to approve the execution of Memorandums of Understanding for various projects that utilized ARPA funds. This item had been discussed and recommended for approval by the Finance Committee.

During the discussion at the Common Council, alderpersons expressed support for various specific programs. Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) asked about the use of $1.8 million for the Transit Center project. He was concerned that although the funds could not be used as an incentive for developers, they were in spirit still being used as what was essentially an incentive that kept with the letter of the law but not the spirit. He also felt the money going toward other projects could be better spent on other things.
The item ended up being passed by a vote of 12-1 with Alderperson Doran casting the one dissenting vote.
I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download:
Alderperson Doran asked for clarification on the use of $1.8 million for the transit center. Per Valley Transit General Manager Ron McDonald, the money could not be used as a direct incentive, but they could use it to supplement the project. The money would go toward developing the underground utilities and whatever work needed to be done to support the structure above the transit center. That put the city in a position to push for some number of affordable housing units to be installed in the housing component located above the Transit Center.
Alderperson Doran was uncomfortable with the proposal and said that during the Finance Committee discussion, “it sounded like that, while we technically are not allowed to advertise this as an incentive, we’re essentially doing that anyway in a kind of workaround fashion which may, I guess, meet the letter of the law, but doesn’t seem to meet the spirit of the law in that sense. And I, I guess, I have an issue with that.”
Alderperson Doran also was concerned about the overall use of ARPA funds and that some of the programs were too narrow in focus. “My concern all along with the entire ARPA package is that we’re not making the highest and best use of these dollars to invest in as improvements for as many people in our community as possible. And, like I objected to the $2 million allocation for the library, I won’t be voting to support this either for those same reasons.”
Alderperson Nate Wolff (District 12) agreed with Alderperson Doran’s position that some of the money could be spent differently, but he liked the overall package and felt it had been the result of a communal effort so he supported it.
Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) pointed out that affordable housing was a large part of Chapter 5 of the city’s Comprehensive Plan.
Alderperson Denise Fenton (District 6) noted that there was still $500,000 still remaining in the “Community Wellness, Mental Health, and Violence Prevention” bucket of funds. She wanted to know when the grant application process would open for mental health grants for community organizations. Per staff, city had actually already received those application and they were undergoing the review process. They expected to bring the recommendations through the Finance Committee and Council sometime in May.
Alderperson Van Zeeland expressed her support for the Neighborhood Leadership Academy. She said that after doing research she found that the city already had metrics in place to make the program successful, so she was comfortable voting for it.
Alderperson Kristin Alfheim (District 11) expressed appreciation and support for the downtown lighting enhancements.
The Council voted 12 to 1 to approve the item as presented with Alderperson Doran casting the dissenting vote.
View full meeting details and video here:
2 thoughts on “Common Council Votes 12-1 To Approve Obligation Of ARPA Funds Toward Various City Programs Including $1.8 Million Toward Transit Center Project”