Fox Cities Transit Commission Meeting 01/24/2023 – Will Vote On Dispatch and Vehicle Location Software Contract, Receive 2022 Year End Ridership Numbers And Performance Indicators

The Fox Cities Transit Commission is meeting 01/24/2023 at 3PM. They will be voting on a request to award a contract to a company called GMV for Computer Aided Dispatch and Automated Vehicle Location (CAD/AVL) software. Per the memo, “The project will have a total […]

Board Of Education Meeting 01/23/2022 – Will Receive Referendum Update, Approve Open Enrollment Availability At Schools, Vote On Retirement Benefit Changes In Employee Handbook

The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting 01/23/2023 at 6PM. Some items of interest on the agenda include View full meeting details here:

Finance Committee Meeting 01/23/2023 – Will Vote On Providing $1Million In ARPA Affordable Housing Grants For RISE Apartments

The Finance Committee is meeting 01/23/2023 at 5:30PM. Action items on the agenda include two project contracts as well as an request to award $1,000,000 in ARPA funds to RISE Apartments. There are also a number of information items, most of which are updates on […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 01/23/2023 – Will Receive Presentation On Proposed College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 01/23/2023 at 4:30PM. They will be voting on several street occupancy permits including one for Avenue of Ice on the weekend of February 17, 2023. I would expect that the more interesting part of the meeting will be the […]

Board Of Education Receives Information On AASD Retiree Benefit Changes – Retirees 65 And Older No Longer Able To Purchase District Health Insurance; Educators No Longer Able To Retain Post-Employment Benefits If They Retire Mid-Year

AASD has and is in the process of making some changes recently that effect AASD employees post-retirement benefits. These changes were discussed during the 01/09/2023 Appleton Area School District Board of Education meeting, although nothing was voted on at that time. One item reported to […]

Alderperson Hartzheim’s Invocation At 01/18/2023 Common Council Meeting – Quotes MLK “The aftermath of the love method is reconciliation and the creation of the beloved community.”

Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alder Hartzheim. Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim (District 13): In 1957, Ebony Magazine invited Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to write a monthly column entitled “Advice for Living”. Responding to readers’ questions about marital infidelity, sexuality, birth control, capital […]

Mayor Woodford To Present Two Proclamations At 01/18/2023 Common Council Meeting – Human Trafficking Awareness Day, MLK Jr. Day

This evening during the 01/18/2023 Common Council meeting, Mayor Woodford will be presenting two mayoral proclamations. With the first, he proclaims January 11, 2023, to be Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Appleton and encourages residents to “increase awareness about identification of human trafficking along with […]