The Transit Commission is meeting 09/12/2023 at 2:50PM.
The one non-routine action item is a request for authorization to purchase office furniture for the Whitman Avenue facility. Staff is requesting approval to spend $236,533.77 to purchase office furniture. On top of that, they would like a 10% contingency of $23,653.23 for a project maximum of $259,187. [I thought the purpose of a contingency was to have a buffer in case some kind of unforeseen issue arose with a project, just as soil conditions being different then expected or the existing construction of a building that was being remodeled turning out to have unexpected issues. I’m curious what unforeseen conditions require a 10% contingency for the purchase of office furniture. Most people just go to Office Max or Wayfair and buy what they can afford, then make do without if they run out of money.]

The commission will also be receiving updates on the Whitman Avenue Renovation project, the Transit Center project, and the bus tracking system as well as reviewing the July finance report and ridership report. Valley Transit had only 150 more passengers in July of 2023 as compared to July of 2022 (46,809 as compared to 46,659). This is 18,000 fewer riders than utilized Valley Transit in July of 2019 prior to Covid.

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