Common Council Meeting 05/17/2023 – Will Vote On College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration Pavement Marking Contract

The Common Council is meeting 05/17/2023 at 7PM.

Mayor Woodford will be presenting 3 mayoral proclamations as well as submitting a reappointment and a new appointment to the Fox Cities Area Room Tax Commission.

The action items on the agenda do not appear to contain anything particularly controversial, so it’s hard to know what if anything might be pulled out for an individual vote. A few items of note include:

  • The pavement marking contract for the College Avenue Lane Reconfiguration project. This was approved unanimously by the Municipal Services Committee, and approval by the Council is the last step needed prior to moving forward with the lane reconfiguration pilot project which will see downtown College Avenue restriped from it’s current 4 lane configuration to having 3 lanes (on in each direction and a center turn lane) with the addition of bike lanes in each direction.
  • A request to waive a snow removal assessment fee. A resident contested a snow removal fee but did not show up to the Municipal Services Committee meeting to make her case. The alderperson for her district was also not able to attend. In light of the fact that the resident could still attend the Common Council meeting on 05/17/2023, the committee voted 3-1 to deny the request to remove the fee.
  • Appleton Downtown Inc’s request to place a parklet by the corner of Appleton and Washington streets. There is nothing controversial about this request and it was approved unanimously by the Municipal Services Committee, but ADI Executive Director generally comes to meetings in person and addresses the committee/Council, and the Council will often separate out items for individual votes when a member of the public comes to the meeting specifically for it.

View full meeting details here:

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