Community And Economic Development Department Approves The City Of Appleton To Serve As Lead Agency For The Fox Cities Housing Coalition And To Apply For Emergency Housing Homeless Funding

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 04/26/2023.

The action item that they took up in open session was a request to apply for Emergency Housing Homeless (EHH) funding and approve the City of Appleton to serve as the lead agency and fiscal agency on behalf of the Fox Cities Housing Coalition. The committee voted 3-0 to approve the request.

I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download.

Community and Economic Development Director David Kress told the committee that on 04/19/2023 the Fox Cities Housing Coalition voted to approve the City of Appleton to continue to serve as the lead agent and fiscal agent on behalf of the Coalition. Appleton would be continuing the role it had served in since 2014, and the committee and the Common Council simply needed to give final approval for that arrangement.

Once that was approved, Appleton would be able to apply for Emergency Housing and Homelessness funding. The exact amount that the Coalition would receive was still to be determined. Historically it had ranged between $200,000 and $300,000. The city would set aside a certain amount of that funding for administrative purposes and then allocate the rest out as awards to subrecipients such as Pillars, ADVOCAP, and Harbor House.

Alderperson Denise Fenton (District 6) asked what the percentage was that the city kept for administrative fees.

Deputy Director Kress responded that last year, the city had kept roughly 10% of the approximately $300,000 that had been award and used it to cover staff time and help facilitate a data entry system for the coordinated entry process.

[I would have appreciated a clearer answer as to whether the city typically took $30,000 a year or took 10% given how much the award amount has fluctuated. There’s a $10,000 difference between 10% of $200,000 and 10% of $300,000. It also wasn’t clear if the need to help facilitate the data entry system was a one-time cost or an ongoing cost.]

The committee voted 3-0 to approve the item.

View full meeting details and video here:

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