Board Of Education Meeting 09/26/2022 – Will Discuss Curriculum Updates For Math And Music, Baseline Scores In Math And ELA For Progress Monitoring

­The Appleton Area School District Board of Education is meeting this evening, 09/26/2022, at 6PM. They will be receiving reports on proposed updates to the Math Topics curriculum and the middle school b and, choir, and orchestra curriculum. Although the agenda does not include any […]

Alderperson Denise Fenton’s Response To Post About Apostolic Truth Church Rezoning

Back on September 15, I posted about the issues and oddities surrounding the rezoning of the Apostolic Truth Church. On 09/16/2022 Alderperson Denise Fenton (District 6) sent an email to me responding to that post in which she responded to a number of points in […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 09/26/2022 – Will Vote On Variance Request For Driveway Extension

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 09/26/2022 at 4:30PM. They have three action items they will be voting on including a request to award the 2022-2027 contract for sidewalk and crosswalk snow removal services and a request to approve a handicap-accessible parking stall on the […]

Finance Committee Meeting 09/26/2022 – Will Vote On Request To Deny All Library Project Bids

The Finance Committee is meeting 09/26/2022 at 5:30PM. The item most of note on the agenda is probably the request to deny all bids for the Appleton Public Library project. On 09/20/2022, the bids came back $14 million over budget, so the city is wanting […]

Alderpersons Fenton, Meltzer, And Schultz Submit Resolution In Support Of Local Election Officials, Declares 2020 General Election Was “Safe, Secure, And Accessible”

One resolution was submitted during the 09/21/2022 Common Council meeting by Alderpersons Denise Fenton (District 6), Vered Meltzer (District 2), and Alex Schultz (District 9). Resolution 11-R-22 is “a resolution in support of the City Clerk and staff and citizen election inspectors to administer free […]

Library Project Bids Far Exceed Estimates – City To Request All Bids Be Denied, Will Rebid The Project In Early 2023

The Library Board met 09/20/2022 and received a brief update on the library project. Library Director Colleen Rortvedt told the board that bids had opened earlier that day at 2PM and had come in higher than expected. Some packages had received no bids. They still […]

Remaining Funds From WE Energies Trail Contract Will Be Used To Reduce Future Borrowing

Last September, the city approved a $135,000 contract with KL Engineering for design and engineering services for the WE Energies trail. Now that the trail project has been suspended, I reached on to Director of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities Dean Gazza to find out if […]

Common Council Votes 10-4 To Approve Process Map To Continue Discussions With Trout Museum Regarding Relocating To Ellen Kort Peace Park

The Common Council met 09/21/2022. The item that garnered the most public comment and resulted in the most discussion was the request to approve a process map to guide discussions and votes on the request from the Trout Museum to construct a new museum building […]

Mayor Woodford To Present Proclamation Declaring September 2022 To Be Appleton City Planning Centennial Month

Tonight during the Common Council meeting, Mayor Woodford will be presenting one mayoral proclamation in which he declares September 2022 to be Appleton City Planning Centennial Month and encourages “all residents to recognize this milestone in our community’s history.” He also briefly mentioned the fact […]