Board Of Education Meeting 04/11/2022 – Will Vote On Salary Increases, Purchase Of Spanish Language And American History Textbooks

The Board of Education is meeting 04/11/2022. They will hold a work session at 4PM and then their regular board meeting at 6PM. The work session will be focused on reviewing and discussing the drafts of the Learning Environment/Student Behavior Interpretations and Indicators document and […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 04/11/2022 – Will Review 3 Soldier’s Square Design Options

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 04/11/2022 at 4:30PM. The business on the agenda seems pretty routine. There are a few street occupancy permits, some intergovernmental agreements with Outagamie County for reconstruction projects on JJ, E, and EE, some parking restriction changes, and a request […]

CEA Review Committee Meeting 04/11/2022 – Will Vote On Several Vehicle Purchase Requests

The CEA (Central Equipment Agency) Review Committee is meeting 04/11/2022. The committee meets infrequently on an as-needed basis and is in charge of the vehicle fleet for the city. They will be voting on several requests to purchase, upgrade, or downgrade vehicles as well as […]

Alderperson Denise Fenton Apologizes For Comment Made On Mike Schinke’s Campaign Page – “not [a] comment on anyone’s right to run […] I also believe that we can move past our mistakes if we acknowledge them in good faith. I hope that is the case here.”

Alderperson Denise Fenton (District 6) has responded to my email asking her about the comment she had left on Board of Education candidate Mike Schinke’s campaign page. She acknowledges the comment was ill-advised, says she called Mr. Schinke and apologized to him, and clarifies that […]

Alderperson Denise Fenton Voices Opposition To Local School Board Candidate Remaining Civically Engaged

[Update: Alderperson Fenton has apologized for the comment and clarified that she was referencing the end of the election and not commenting on anyone’s right to run.] During the recent election, Mike Schinke had been running for a spot on the Appleton Area School District […]

Common Council Approves Special Use Permit For New Restaurant At Former San Rocco’s Location After Amending The Permit To Require The Owner Erect A Fence

The Common Council met 04/06/2022. There was only one item separated out for an individual vote. It was not one that I would have expected but was for Item 22-0347, a Special Use Permit #4-22 for restaurant with alcohol sales and service for the property […]

Outgoing Alderperson Joe Martin’s Invocation At 04/06/2022 Common Council Meeting – “Thank you.”

Alderperson Joe Martin of District 4 opted to not seek reelection. The 04/06/2022 Common Council meeting was his last meeting as an alderperson. Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Martin. Alderperson Joe Martin (District 4): Thank you, Mayor. And I’m sure with […]

Board Of Zoning Appeals Denies Variance Request To Build 84′ Tall Building – Leaves Open Possibility For Developers To Come Back With Updated Proposal

I very rarely am able to recap every single committee meeting during a given committee week, but since Appleton is currently short on meetings, I thought I would go back and recap a Board of Zoning Appeals meeting I missed. Variance requests are some of […]

Thao, Bacon, Bowman, And Truyman Are AASD Board of Education Election Winners

Calumet County finally reported their complete election tallies last night at 11:23 PM. The results from the remaining precincts did not change the overall ranking of the Appleton Area School District Board of Education candidates. The four candidates with the most votes remained: Pheng Thao […]