Municipal Services Committee Meeting 04/25/2022 – Will Vote On Soldier’s Square Resolution, Consider Variance Request From Homeowner

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 04/25/2022 at 4:30PM.

Because this is the first committee meeting of the new Council year, they will be electing a Vice-Chair and electing a Central Equipment Agency Board member. There are two other, non-housekeeping, action items.

The first is a request by a resident for two variances, one to Section 19-91(c) to park his RV Camper in the front yard and the other to Section 19-91(f)(3) to extend his driveway greater than 12 feet wide. The property is a corner lot, so it doesn’t have a side yard where the RV could be parked. The property owner has already received approval for the plan from the subdivision developer.

[On the face, it seems like a pretty reasonable request. And, generally, I’m in favor of property owners having broad freedom to do what they want with their property.]

The committee will also be discussing and voting on Resolution #6-R-22, the Soldier’s Square Resolution. This resolution comes on the heels of discussions at the 03/23/2022 committee meeting and the 04/14/2022 committee meeting regarding a potential redesign of Soldier’s Square and calls for the project to be added to the city’s 5-year Capital Improvement Plan.

They will finish the meeting up with a couple of reports—the March 2022 Parking Utility Revenue update and the 2021 Green Tier Legacy Community Annual Report.

View full meeting details here:

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