Community Development Committee Meeting 06/12/2024 – Will Vote On Final Community Development Block Grant Allocations, Request For Waiver To Southpoint Commerce Park Covenants

The Community Development Committee is meeting 06/12/2024 at 4:30PM. They will be voting on a request to approve the 2023 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report for the Community Development Block Grant Program. They will also be voting on a request to approve revised Community […]

City Plan Commission Meeting 04/24/2024 – Will Vote On Special Use Permit For Tavern On Badger Avenue, Dedication Of Trail Land In Southpoint Commerce Park

The City Plan Commission is meeting 04/24/2024 at 3:30PM. Outside of electing a vice chair, setting the meeting date and time, and designating a contact person, they have two action items on the agenda. The first, which has an associated public hearing, is a request […]

Finance Committee Meeting 03/11/2024 – Will Vote On Sewer & Water, Grade & Gravel Contract For Southpoint Commerce Park

The Finance Committee is meeting 03/11/2024 at 5:30PM. They have one action item on their agenda which is a request to award the 2024 Southpoint Commerce Park Sewer & Water, Grade & Gravel contract to Carl Bowers and Sons for a total, including contingency, not […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Meeting Tonight, 12/13/2023 – Will Vote On Several Merge And Fox Commons Items Including Request To Submit Grant To Fund Development Of Downtown Market Within Fox Commons

The Community and Economic Development Committee is meeting this evening, 12/13/2023 at 6:30PM. They will be voting on a couple items related to the Fox Commons redevelopment and Phase II of the Merge LLC development. Fox Commons is requesting that a 5 foot wide no-build […]

City Plan Commission Meeting 12/13/2023 – Will Vote On Rezoning Request For Wisconsin Avenue Parcels, Dedication Of Land For Public Trails In Southpoint Commerce Park

The City Plan Commission is meeting 12/13/2023 at 3:30PM. They will be holding a public hearing and then voting on a request to rezone three parcels between Union Street, Lawe Street, and Wisconsin Avenue from C-2 General Commercial District to C-1 Neighborhood Mixed Use District. […]

Plan Commission Approves Prospera Credit Union Annexation Request, Reconfiguration Of Lots In Southpoint Commerce Park

The City Plan Commission met 08/23/2023. Most of the meeting was taken up with a review of proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance, but the commission also voted to approve two action items. The first was a petition from Prospera Credit Union for a direct […]

City Plan Commission Meeting 08/23/2023 – Will Vote On Prospera Annexation, Reconfiguration Of Parcels In Southpoint Commerce Park

The City Plan Commission is meeting 08/23/2023 at 3:30PM. They have two action items on the agenda. The first is a request to approve the annexation of Prospera Credit Union on Ballard Road from the Town of Grand Chute to Appleton. The property owner also […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Approves Southpoint Deed Restriction Variance For Construction Of Truck Shop, 6-Month Extension To Deadline For Park Central Development

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 07/26/2023. In addition to approving the resolution to create the Appleton Conservancy Park, they voted on two other action items. The first was a request for a variance to the Southpoint Commerce Park’s deed restrictions and covenants to […]

Community And Economic Development Committee Unanimously Approves Appleton Conservancy Resolution – Deputy Director Kress Confirms Funds Generated By TIF District 13 Can Go Toward Park Development

The Community and Economic Development Committee met 07/26/2023. One of the items they took up was Resolution 8-R-23 which would create the Appleton Conservancy Park in Southpoint Commerce Park and would dedicate city-owned land in Southpoint Commerce Park for parkland, trailhead, and trail. Alderperson Katie […]

Parks And Recreation Committee Votes Unanimously To Approve Appleton Conservancy Resolution – Alderperson Siebers Warns Of Future Increased Staffing Costs Associated With Expanding Appleton Park System

The Parks and Recreation Committee met 07/24/2023. The one action item they took up was Resolution 8-R-23 to create Appleton Conservancy Park and dedicate city-owned land in Southpoint Commerce Park for trail, trailhead, and parkland. Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) who authored the resolution […]