The Safety And Licensing Committee is meeting 04/27/2022 at 5:30PM. They will be voting on hazard mitigation plan agreements with Winnebago and Calumet counties. They also have a number of alcohol licenses to vote on including a Class “B” Beer and “Class B” Liquor License […]
Tag: Safety and Licensing
Safety And Licensing Committee Votes To Revoke Alcohol License For Core’s Lounge
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 04/13/2022. They spent the majority of the meeting reviewing evidence and testimony in the Alcohol License Revocation Hearing for Core’s Lounge, LLC – Kor Xiong, Agent. In total, the committee was in open session for nearly 2 hours and […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 04/13/2022 – Will Hold Alcohol License Revocation Hearing For Core’s Lounge
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 04/13/2022 at 5:30PM. They have 9 alcohol license applications of various types as well as a request to purchase a fire truck. However, the item that I expect will probably take up the most amount of time and […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Is Informed Appleton Has Met Its Quota Of Class B Liquor Licenses
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 03/23/2022. Outside of the information item regarding the upcoming election on 04/05/2022, the other action and information items were all alcohol related. They started out by approving a gas station’s “Class A” Liquor License application and the temporary Class […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 03/23/2022 – Will Receive Information On Core’s Lounge Liquor Law Violation
The Safety And Licensing Committee is meeting 03/23/2022 at 5:30PM. It is not an eventful meeting with only a couple alcohol license applications on the agenda. The Police Department also have a couple of liquor law violations to report including an 80 point violation by […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Receives 2021 Annual Fire Department Report
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 03/09/2022. It was a brief meeting. After dispensing with the action items by formally voting to deny the Intoxicated Bartender Resolution and approving all of the license applications, they moved on to the 2021 Annual Report For the Appleton […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Denies Intoxicated Bartender Resolution
The Safety And Licensing Committee met 03/09/2022. The first action item on the agenda was Resolution 1-R-22, the Intoxicated Bartender Resolution. This resolution had undergone extensive discussion at the 01/26/2022 Safety and Licensing Committee meeting. After being placed on hold and undergoing further staff scrutiny, […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 03/09/2022 – Will Take Up Intoxicated Bartender Resolution, Receive 2021 Annual Fire Department Report
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 03/09/2022 at 5:30PM. They have a standard slate of license applications of various sorts. Of note, Tee Tee’s Nachos, whose Class A and Class B alcohol license applications received extra scrutiny and discussion is applying for a tabaco […]
Chief Thomas Updates Safety And Licensing Committee On New Squad Car Markings, The Crisis Response Team, And Police Staffing
Police Chief Todd Thomas gave an update on several police-related items to the Safety and Licensing Committee on 02/23/2022. NEW SQUAD CAR MARKINGS He said the new markings on one of their squad cars and would probably end up updating 7 or 8 more. [He […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Received Election Update From City Clerk
During the 03/23/2022 Safety and Licensing Committee meeting, Clerk Kami Lynch gave an update on the upcoming April 5, 2022 election and reviewed a number of dates… Absentee ballots had to be sent by March 14th, so they hoped to receive them early the prior […]