Safety And Licensing Committee Refers Excess Vehicle Noise Resolution To Staff – Wants To Come Up With Ways To Combat Noise On College Avenue

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 09/08/2021. The main item on the agenda was Resolution 14-R-21 regarding excessive vehicle noise. Although they decided fairly early on that they wanted to refer the item to staff for more research and work, they still spent most of […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 09/08/2021 – Will Take Up Excess Vehicle Noise Resolution

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 09/08/2021 at 5:30 PM. They have 3 action items on the agenda—2 sets of alcohol license applications renewals and then Resolution #14-R-21 regarding excessive vehicle noise. If passed, the resolution would amend the noise section of Appleton’s Municipal […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 08/11/2021 – Will Vote On Multiple License Applications, Review Table Of Organization Changes For Police Department

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 08/11/2021 at 5:30PM. They will be voting on several license applications then reviewing information items. The information items include an update on special events, a memo on changes to the Appleton Police Department’s Table of Organizations, Director’s reports, […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meets 07/28/2021 – Reviews Mid-Year Fire Department Report

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 07/28/2021. There were a few alcohol license applications that were approved, but the majority of the meeting was taken up with information items, in particular the Fire Department’s 2021 Mid-Year Report. Fire Chief Jeremy Hansen went over it with […]

City Clerk Provides Update On City’s Redistricting Timeline And Process

During the 07/28/2021 Safety and Licensing Committee meeting City Clerk Kami Lynch gave an update on the city’s redistricting timeline and plans. Normally by this time, they would already be forming their ward lines and talking about the aldermanic districts; however, the whole process has […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 07/28/2021 – Will Review Fire Department’s 2021 Mid-Year Report

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 07/28/2021 at 5:30PM. There is one liquor license change of agent application and two temporary alcohol licenses from churches who want to serve alcohol during special events they are holding. The rest of the items on the agenda […]

Recap Of 07/14/2021 Safety And Licensing Committee – Denial Of Mr. Taco’s Liquor License Application, Mid-Year Reports From Police And Legal Services

The Safety and Licensing Committee met on 07/14/2021. It was a relatively short meeting, not quite 20 minutes long. The first item they took up was the liquor license application for Los Amigos, LLC, doing business as Mr. Taco Chief Thomas said that the memo […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 07/14/2021 – Agenda Full Of Alcohol Licenses

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 07/14/2021 at 5:30pm. They’ll be voting on 6 alcohol licenses, 1 pet store license, 6 temporary premise applications, and 5 temporary alcohol license applications. The temporary license applications do also include the ones that were held at the […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Conducts Quick Meeting – Votes To Hold License Application That Has Issues, Receives Update On Core’s Lounge Noise Complaints

The Safety and Licensing Committee had a brief 12 minute meeting prior to the Common Council meeting on 07/07/2021. For me personally, the most interesting item was the update on the Core’s Lounge noise complaints. [***Spoiler Alert*** it sounded to me like any case against […]

Community And Economic Development Committee and Safety And Licensing Committee Special Meetings Scheduled For 07/07/2021 – Will Award Neighborhood Development Contract And Review Core’s Lounge Noise Complaints

There are two special committee meetings scheduled for 07/07/2021 prior to the Common Council meeting that evening. The first one is a Community & Economic Development Committee meeting at 6:15PM. Their one action item is a “Request to award the project for the College Avenue […]