The Safety and Licensing Committee met 06/26/2023. One of the information items they received was the Police Department report on alcohol law license violation convictions. Memorial Liquor, Lindo Michoacan Supermarket, the Motomarts on Calumet Street and Kensington Drive, and TJ’s Steakhouse each received 80-point violations […]
Tag: Safety and Licensing
Sushi Lover Representative Appears Before Safety And Licensing Committee To Discuss Recent Alcohol License Violations
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 06/28/2023. Much of the meeting was taken up with discussion on the Class B Beer Permit application for Core’s Lounge which was ultimately denied. They also took up another alcohol license related issue which was the public appearance of […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Votes Unanimously To Deny Beer License To Core’s Lounge – Points To Ongoing Noise Complaints And Code Violations As Reason For Denial
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 06/28/2023. They spent about 15 minutes discussing the Class “B” Beer License application from Core’s Lounge. Its alcohol license had been revoked in April of 2022, due to having accrued over 200 demerit points on their license. Now, a […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 06/28/2023 – Will Vote On Request To Deny Beer License To Core’s Lounge, Discuss Recent Sushi Lover Alcohol License Violation
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 06/28/2023 at 5:30PM. There are a few items that look potentially pretty interesting. A representative from Sushi Lover will be appearing to discuss their alcohol license demerit point violation for having no licensed operator on the premises on […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Votes To Hold Core’s Lounge Alcohol License Application Until June 28 Meeting
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 06/14/2023. It was a short meeting, clocking in at around 12 minutes, half of which was taken up with discussion about the Class B Beer License Application for Core’s Lounge. Alderperson William Siebers (District 1) initially moved to deny […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 06/14/2023 – Will Vote On Alcohol License Application For Core’s Lounge
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 06/14/2023 at 5:30. They have a lot of items on the agenda, but for the most part they are various license applications and renewals. One item of interest is the application by Core’s Lounge for a Class B […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Votes 4-0 Against Appeal Of Special Event Denial
The Safety And Licensing Committee met 05/24/2023. The item that took up most of the meeting was the appeal of a special event application denial. William, the organizer, wanted to hold a music festival named Smoshfest at Jones Park June 15-18. When he applied for […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 05/24/2023 – Will Vote On Appeal Of Denial For Special Event Application
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 05/24/2023 at 5:30PM. Most of the agenda items are license related, things such as alcohol license applications and renewals, cigarette licenses, gambling machine licenses, and pet store licenses. They’ll also be approving the alcohol licenses for Mile of […]
OB’s Brau Haus Owner Meets With Safety And Licensing Committee To Discuss 150 Demerit Point Violation For Semi-Nude Dancing That Occurred On Premises
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 05/10/2023. The bulk of the meeting was taken up with a public appearance related to a liquor license violation by OB’s Brau Haus. At an event put on at the bar by a “promoter”, a woman had engaged in […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 05/10/2023 – Will Meet With OB’s Brau Haus Owner About Liquor License Violation Related To Semi-Nude Entertainment Incident
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 05/10/2023 at 5:30PM. The majority of action items are license related, alcohol licenses applications and renewals, change of agent application, cigarette and tabaco applications and renewals, etc. The item that will probably be the most interesting to the […]