Finance Committee Holds Executive Budget Delivery Resolution And Flock Camera ARPA Funding Resolution Until 12/11/2023

The Finance Committee met 11/20/2023. Two of the action items on the agenda were resolutions. Resolution 14-R-23 would change the date of the presentation of the executive budget from the first Wednesday in October to the third Wednesday in September. Resolution 13-R-23 would reallocate $25,000 […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 11/20/2023 – Will Vote On Design Parameters For Perkins Street Reconstruction, Resolution To Close Whitman Yard Waste Site

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 11/20/2023 at 4:30PM. They will be voting on requests to approve the design parameters for the Perkins Street reconstruction project between Prospect Avenue to the railroad tracks and the Morrison Street reconstruction between Glendale Avenue and Pershing Street. The […]

Alderperson Doran Submits 3 Resolutions – One Would Close Whitman Yard Waste Site, One Would Fund Purchase Of 10 Flock Cameras With ARPA Dollars, One Would Move Up Executive Budget Delivery Date To 3rd Wednesday In September

During the 11/15/2023 Common Council meeting, Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) submitted three resolutions. Resolution 12-R-23 the Resolution to Close Whitman Yard Waste Site, would, as the name suggests, result in the closure of the Whitman Street yard waste site. Yard waste operations would continue […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes To Hold Overnight On-Street Parking Resolution For 30 Days To Allow Staff Review

The Municipal Services Committee met 10/24/2023. The final action item they took up was Resolution 11-R-23. If passed as written, this resolution would allow for overnight on-street parking by people who have purchases monthly parking passes. The committee voted to hold it for a month […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 10/23/2023 – Will Vote On Small Business Saturday Free Parking Request, Permitted Over-Night Parking Resolution, Variance For Driveway Extension

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 10/23/2023 at 4:30PM. There are three items on the agenda that I could see resulting in detailed discussion. The first is the request from Appleton Downtown Inc for free ramp and meter parking on Small Business Saturday. This item […]

Common Council Narrowly Passes Mental Health Awareness And Services Resolution By 8-7 Vote

The Common Council met 10/18/2023. One of the items separated out for an individual vote was the Mental Health Awareness and Services Resolution. This resolution essentially states that Appleton recognizes the importance of mental health and the impact of mental illness, commits to promoting mental […]

Resolution 11-R-23 Introduced At 10/18/2023 Common Council Meeting – Resolution Would Allow Overnight On-Street Parking With Purchase Of A Monthly Permit

One resolution was introduced during the Common Council meeting on 10/18/2023. Resolution 11-R-23, the On-Street Overnight Parking Resolution was authored by Alderperson William Siebers (District 1). If passed as written, it would allow residents to park on city streets during the hours of 2AM and […]

Common Council Passes Amended Lawe Street Truck Route Resolution – Accepts Existing Staff Reports As Having Fulfilled The Requirements Of The Resolution

The Common Council met 10/18/2023. One of the items they took up was Resolution 10-R-22, the Lawe Street Truck Route resolution. This resolution called for city staff to investigate removing the truck route designation on Lawe Street from College Avenue to Hancock Street. Even without […]

Board Of Health Approves Mental Health Awareness Resolution After Amending To Require $1 Million In ARPA Funds Be Provided As Grants To Local Mental Health Organizations – Amendment Opposed By Mayor Woodford And Alderperson Jones

The Board of Health met 10/11/2023. They spent around 40 minutes discussing the Mental Health Awareness and Services Resolution which signaled Appleton’s support of increased access to mental health services and also called Appleton to continue to work collaboratively with to identify gaps in services […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes 3-1 To Recommend Lawe Street Truck Route Resolution Be Denied

The Municipal Services Committee met 10/09/2023. One of the items that they took up was the Lawe Street Truck Route resolution. This resolution had initially been amended and approved at the 09/25/2023 committee meeting, but this second time around it was recommended for denial by […]