Municipal Services Committee Approves Changes To Street Terrace Policy Allowing Residents To Plant Gardens And Vegetation Up To 3 Feet High In Terraces

The Municipal Services Committee met 08/22/2022. One of the items they took up was recommendations for modifications to the city’s street terrace policy. The terrace is the typically grassy area in between the sidewalk and the street. Back in June, Alderperson Israel Del Toro (District […]

Parks And Recreation Committee Approves Resolution Creating An Advisory Panel on Sustainability And Climate Resilience

The Parks and Recreation Committee met 08/08/2022 and took up the Sustainability Advisory Panel resolution which, if passed, would create an Advisory Panel on Sustainability & Climate Resilience to advise the mayor and Common Council on related issues. The committee discussed the purpose of the […]

Two Resolutions Introduced At 08/03/2022 Common Council Meeting – One Would Create A Sustainability And Resiliency Advisory Committee, The Other Would Explore Removing The Truck Route Designation From Lawe Street North Of College Avenue

Two resolutions were introduced during the 08/03/2022 Common Council meeting. Resolution 9-R-22, the Sustainability Resolution, is cosponsored by Alderpersons Denise Fenton (District 6) and Kristine Alfheim (District 11). If passed it would create an advisory panel on sustainability and climate resilience which would “act as […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Votes To Approve Marijuana Referendum Resolution – Alderpersons Express Strong Support For Responding To Constituents’ Requests For Referendums

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 07/27/2022. The first item they took up was the resolution that, if passed, would add a non-binding referendum question to the November ballot asking voters to weigh in on the legalization of marijuana in Wisconsin. After amending the resolution […]

Resolution To Put Marijuana Legalization Referendum On November Ballot Introduced At 07/20/2022 Common Council Meeting

The Common Council met 07/20/2022. During the meeting Resolution 8-R-22 was introduced. Sponsored by Alderpersons Alex Schultz (District 9), Vered Meltzer (District 2), Israel Del Toro (District 4), Joss Thyssen (District 8), Denise Fenton (District 6), Nate Wolff (District 12), and Vaya Jones (District 10), […]

City Staff Will Present Recommendations Regarding Street Terrace Policy Modifications Resolution Within 60 Days

The Municipal Services Committee met 07/11/2022. One of the items they covered was an update on the status of Resolution #7-R-22, the Modifications to Street Terrace Policy resolution. Deputy Director of Public Works Ross Buetow reiterated what was in the memo, namely that the resolution […]

Street Terrace Policy Modifications Resolution Introduced At 06/15/2022 Common Council Meeting – Would Allow Property Owners To Plant 3 or 4 Foot High Vegetable Gardens In Terraces

Alderperson Israel Del Toro (District 4) sponsored a resolution which was submitted during the 06/15/2022 Common Council meeting. Resolution #7-R-22 regarding Street Terrace Policy Modifications would, if passed as written, allow property owners who wish to develop their terraces to register with the city and […]

Water Main Resolution Passed After Being Stripped Of Language That Would Reallocate ARPA Dollars; Council Votes To Ask The State To Give The City $35.1 Million

On 06/01/2022 Resolution 5-R-22, the Water Main Resolution, was taken up first by a joint meeting of the Finance and Utilities Committee and then by the full Common Council. During the joint committee meeting, the resolution was amended to remove the language about reallocating American […]

In Narrow 6-8 Vote, Common Council Denies Soldier’s Square Revitalization Resolution

The Appleton Common Council met 06/01/2022. One of the items they took up was Resolution 6-R-22, the Soldier’s Square Resolution. The resolution was recommended for denial twice by the Municipal Services Committee, and the Common Council ended up also denying it by a narrow 6-8 […]

Finance And Utilities Committees To Hold Joint Session On 06/01/2022 – Will Vote On Resolution Reallocating $6 Million In ARPA Funds To Replace Undersized Water Mains

The Finance Committee and the Utilities Committee will be holding a joint special session on 06/01/2022 at 6PM. They will be taking up Resolution 5-R-22, the Water Main Resolution. This was introduced by Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) and, if approved, would reallocate $6 million […]