Common Council Passes Amended Lawe Street Truck Route Resolution – Accepts Existing Staff Reports As Having Fulfilled The Requirements Of The Resolution

The Common Council met 10/18/2023. One of the items they took up was Resolution 10-R-22, the Lawe Street Truck Route resolution. This resolution called for city staff to investigate removing the truck route designation on Lawe Street from College Avenue to Hancock Street. Even without […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes 3-1 To Recommend Lawe Street Truck Route Resolution Be Denied

The Municipal Services Committee met 10/09/2023. One of the items that they took up was the Lawe Street Truck Route resolution. This resolution had initially been amended and approved at the 09/25/2023 committee meeting, but this second time around it was recommended for denial by […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 10/09/2023 – Will Vote On Lawe Street Truck Route Resolution, Discuss 2024 Public Works Budget

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 10/09/2023 at 4:30PM. They will be discussing and voting on for the second time the Lawe Street Truck Route Resolution. This resolution does not itself determine whether or not Lawe Street should maintain its truck route designation, but if […]

Lawe Street Truck Route Resolution Referred Back To Committee – Staff Report Indicates If Truck Route Designation Is Removed The City Could Lose $2.8 Million In Grant Funds For Reconstruction Project

The Common Council met 10/04/2023. Five members of the public spoke during the time of public participation. They all spoke about Resolution 10-R-22 which calls for city staff to investigate removing the truck route designation from Lawe Street between College Avenue and Hancock Street. The […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Resolution Calling For Investigating Removing Truck Route Designation From Lawe Street North Of College – Votes To Amend To Require More Investigation Than What Has Already Been Conducted

The Municipal Services Committee met 09/25/2023. It was a mammoth 1 hour and 25 minute meeting with all but a couple of those minutes devoted to discussion regarding Resolution 10-R-22 which directed staff to explore removing the truck route designation from Lawe Street between College […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 09/25/2023 – Will Vote On Resolution Pertaining To Alternate Lawe Street Truck Route

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 09/25/2023 at 4:30PM. They have two action items on the agenda. The first is Resolution 10-R-22 regarding an alternate to the Lawe Street truck route. The resolution as written called for city staff to “explore removing the Truck Route […]

Two Resolutions Introduced At 08/03/2022 Common Council Meeting – One Would Create A Sustainability And Resiliency Advisory Committee, The Other Would Explore Removing The Truck Route Designation From Lawe Street North Of College Avenue

Two resolutions were introduced during the 08/03/2022 Common Council meeting. Resolution 9-R-22, the Sustainability Resolution, is cosponsored by Alderpersons Denise Fenton (District 6) and Kristine Alfheim (District 11). If passed it would create an advisory panel on sustainability and climate resilience which would “act as […]