In Light Of Court Decision In WPT V Town Of Buchanan, Municipal Services Committee Decides To Hold Off On Moving Forward With Transportation Utility

The Municipal Services Committee met 06/06/2022 and discussed next steps regarding the creation of a Transportation Utility. This was a follow-up discussion to the Transportation Utility presentation they had received during the 05/23/2022 committee meeting. That meeting had gone long so they ran out of […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 06/06/2022 – Will Discuss Transportation Utility Next Steps, Receive May Bird E-Scooter Report

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 06/06/2022 at 4:30 PM. They will be voting on a couple parking change requests, one to implement changes already tested during a 6-month trial period and one to implement a 6-month trial period. They will also be considering and […]

Municipal Services Committee Receives Presentation On Transportation Utility Funding Study; Hears Attorney’s Legal Concerns; Puts Item On Agenda Of Next Meeting To Discuss

The Municipal Services Committee met 05/23/2022. The item that took up the most amount of time at the meeting was the presentation from Ehlers/raSmith on a Transportation Utility. The item was an information item which means the committee did not vote on implementing a transportation […]

In Response To Confusing Newspaper Headline, Alderperson Van Zeeland Clarifies Action (Or Lack Thereof) Taken On Transportation Utility

Due to a recent newspaper headline, some people have experienced some confusion regarding Appleton enacting a transportation utility. Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland (District 5) serves on the Municipal Services Committee which recently received an update on the Transportation Utility Study the city commissioned and she […]

Municipal Services Votes Again To Deny Soldier’s Square Resolution After Determining Denial Won’t Interfere With Private Group’s Ability To Bring Future Plan Forward

The Municipal Services Committee met 05/23/2022. One of the items they took up was the Soldier’s Square Resolution. The committee had previously voted to recommend the resolution be denied, but after it went to the full Council Alderperson Alex Schultz (District 9) requested it be […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 05/23/2022 – Will Receive Presentation On Transportation Utility Study, Vote On Referred-back Soldier’s Square Resolution

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 05/23/2022 at 4:30PM. Although not an action item, the committee will be receiving a presentation from Elhers/reSmith on the Transportation Utility study. The committee will also discuss creating a transportation utility and next steps. The committee last received an […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes To Deny Soldier’s Square Resolution

The Municipal Services Committee met 05/09/2022 and took up the Soldier’s Square Resolution. This resolution had been discussed during the 04/25/2022 committee meeting where the committee members initially seemed to be leaning toward denying the resolution but then put ultimately put it on hold for […]

Municipal Services Committee Receives April 2022 Bird E-Scooter Report

The Municipal Services Committee met 05/09/2022 and received their first Bird E-Scooter report of the year. It was short and sweet. Director of Public Works Paula Vandehey explained for the benefit of the new alderpersons that the reports provided information for them to take into […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 05/04/2022 – Will Vote On Soldier’s Square Resolution, Receive First Report Of Season On Bird E-Scooter Pilot Program

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 05/09/2022 at 4:30PM. They will be once again taking up the Soldier’s Square Resolution. This resolution was discussed extensively during the 04/25/2022 committee meeting and was held until this meeting to give staff time to provide an estimate of […]

Municipal Services Committee Votes To Hold Soldier’s Square Resolution Until Next Committee Meeting

The Municipal Services Committee met 04/25/2022 and took up Resolution 6-R-22, the Soldier’s Square Resolution. The committee ultimately ended up voting to hold the item for two weeks until the next Municipal Services Committee meeting to give time for staff to provide some cost estimates […]