Library Board Meeting 05/16/2023 – Will Review Updated Renderings Of Library Building Project

The Library Board is meeting 05/16/2023 at 4:30PM. They will be voting on updated Library Trustee bylaws and also voting on Nominating Committee appointments. The Nominating Committee will present ja President, Vice President, and Secretary to the Library Board at the August meeting in 3 […]

Library Board Receives Building Project Update – Staff Hoping To Get Final Approval For New Bids Before Independence Day Holiday

The Library Board met 04/18/2023. They received a brief update to the Library Building Project which included a tentative timeframe for when the bids would be opened and approved by the Common Council. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download: SOM is busy […]

Library Board Meeting 04/18/2023 – Will Receive Trustee Development Training Regarding “Intellectual Freedom”

The Library Board is meeting 04/18/2023 at 3PM. The three action items on the agenda are (a) approve the March bill register, (b) approve the City of Appleton’s updated Conditions of Employment Policy, and (c) approve the report from the Library Board’s Personnel and Policy […]

Library Board Meeting 03/14/2023 – Will Receive Updates On Building Project And Hiring Process, Receive 2022 Annual Report

The Library Board is meeting 03/14/2023 at 4:30PM. The only action item on the agenda is the approval of the bill register for February. The rest of the item consists of information items including a Building Project update, a hiring update, and the 2022 library […]

Library Board Meeting 02/28/2023 – Will Establish Library Director’s Goals For 2023, Review 2022 Annual Report

The Library Board is meeting 02/28/2023 at 4:30PM. It looks like it could potentially be a somewhat lengthy meeting because they will both be working on establishing the Library Director’s 2023 performance goals as well as receiving the 2022 Annual Report. They may go into […]

Library Board Meeting 02/15/2023 – Will Set Library Director’s 2023 Performance Goals, Receive Personnel & Policy 101 Presentation

The Library Board Personnel and Policy Committee is meeting 02/15/2023 at 1PM. The one action item on the agenda is to establish the Library Director’s 2023 Performance Goals. As an information item, they will also be reviewing a presentation entitled Personnel and Policy 101. The […]

Library Board Meeting This Afternoon 01/17/2022 – Will Discuss “The Complicated Role Of The Modern Public Library”

The Library Board is meeting this afternoon, 01/17/2023, at 4:30PM. There are just a couple routine action items consisting of approving the December 2022 bill register and a budget amendment. The one information item is the President’s Report which consists of a Trustee Development training/discussion. […]

Friends Of Appleton Public Library Executive Director Gives Annual Overview To Library Board – Recounts Grants And Advocacy Efforts

The Library Board met 12/21/2022. One of the items of information they received was the Friends of the Appleton Public Library Annual Overview given by Kara Sullivan, the executive director of the Friends. She used the opportunity to give an overview of the Friends of […]

Library Board Receives Update On Library Project – New Design Update Will Be Available January 18, 2023

The Library Board met 12/20/2022. During their meeting they received a brief update on the Library project. The transcript of the discussion is available here: The scope of the library project is currently being reduced in order to bring it into budget. By January 18, […]