The Finance Committee is meeting 01/08/2024 at 5:30PM. They have a lot of items on their agenda, but I don’t know how many will prompt discussion versus just being routine contract items that get approved with minimal questions. There is a request to approve the […]
Tag: Finance Committee
Finance Committee Approves Transfer Of An Additional $244,000 In ARPA Funds To City Parking Utility To Cover Lost Revenue
The Finance Committee met 12/11/2023. One of the items they voted on was a request to approve a budget amendment authorizing an additional $244,000 be transferred from the city’s ARPA funds and moved to the city’s Parking Utility to cover lost revenue by the parking […]
Finance Committee Votes Unanimously To Deny Resolution That Would Have Moved The Executive Budget Delivery Deadline Up By Two Weeks
The Finance Committee met 12/11/2023. One of the items they took up was Resolution 14-R-23 which would move the deadline for the delivery of the executive budget to the Common Council up by a couple weeks from the first Wednesday in October to the third […]
Finance Committee Passes Resolution To Reallocate $125,000 In ARPA Funds To Cover The Cost Of Leasing 10 Additional Flock License Plate Reader Cameras – Some Alderpersons Express Opposition
The Finance Committee met 12/11/2023. It was a long meeting taking nearly an hour and a half, 40 minutes of which was taken up with discussion and a vote on Resolution 13-R-23. The resolution initially called for the reallocation of $25,000 of American Rescue Act […]
Finance Committee Meeting 12/11/2023 – Will Vote On Resolution That Would Use ARPA Funds To Fund 10 Flock License Plate Reader Cameras, Resolution Changing Budget Delivery Date, Creation Of Special Fund For Maintenance Of Sexual Assault Survivors Monument
The Finance Committee is meeting 12/11/2023 at 5:30PM. They will be taking up two resolutions, Resolution 13-R-23 that would reallocate $25,000 of ARPA funds to cover the cost of an additional 10 Flock license plate reading cameras and Resolution 14-R-23 that would change the timeline […]
Finance Committee Holds Executive Budget Delivery Resolution And Flock Camera ARPA Funding Resolution Until 12/11/2023
The Finance Committee met 11/20/2023. Two of the action items on the agenda were resolutions. Resolution 14-R-23 would change the date of the presentation of the executive budget from the first Wednesday in October to the third Wednesday in September. Resolution 13-R-23 would reallocate $25,000 […]
Finance Committee Meeting 11/20/2023 – Will Vote On Resolution Changing Budget Delivery Deadline, Resolution Funding Purchase Of 10 Additional Flock Cameras, And 2024 Special Assessment Policy
The Finance Committee is meeting 11/20/2023 at 5:30PM. They three action items on the agenda, two resolutions and a request related to the city’s special assessment policy. The first resolution they will be taking up is Resolution 14-R-23 which would change the timeline for delivery […]
Finance Committee Meeting 11/06/2023 – Will Vote On Furniture Contract For Health Department Remodel
The Finance Committee is meeting 11/06/2023 at 5:30PM. They have two action items on the agenda. The first is a request to award the Health Department Furniture Remodel contract to Nordon Business Environments for $250,887.34. This is a sole source contract, but, per the memo, […]
Finance Committee Holding Budget Saturday Workshop 10/28/2023 – Will Review Mayor’s Proposed Budget
The Finance Committee is holding a special meeting 10/28/2023 at 8AM. Colloquially referred to as “Budget Saturday,” this is the meeting at which the alderpersons will go through the budget that has been proposed by Mayor Woodford, make any changes they believe are warranted, and […]
Finance Committee Meeting 10/23/2023 – Will Vote On Development Agreement For Fourth Addition To Clearwater Creek, Review Proposed Budgets For Finance Department And Risk Management
The Finance Committee is meeting 10/23/2023 at 5:30PM. They have one action item on the agenda which is a request to approve the development agreement for the Fourth Addition to the Clearwater Creek Development. They also have a number of information items including an updates […]