Finance Committee Meeting 02/21/2022 – Will Vote On Four Requests To Refund Property Taxes, Approve A Covid-19 Budget Amendment Request

The Finance Committee is meeting 02/21/2022 at 5:30PM. They have a couple project contracts they have been requested to award. They then will be voting on four requests for refund of property taxes. Staff is recommending that two requests be denied and two requests be […]

Finance Committee Votes To Hold Resolution Reallocating City Brand Funds Until March 7 Committee Meeting

The Finance Committee met 02/07/2022. There were six action items on the agenda. The committee spent the first five or so minutes approving five of those items, but the bulk of the meeting was taken up with discussion of Resolution 2-R-22 which would take the […]

Finance Committee Meeting 02/07/2022 – Will Discuss And Vote On Resolution 2-R-22 To Improve Communication, Technology, and Pedestrian Safety

The Finance Committee is meeting 02/07/2022 at 5:30PM. The first item on the agenda and the one I would expect to garner the most discussion is Resolution #2-R-22. If passed this resolution would take the money currently allocated for a city brand study and reallocate […]

Finance Committee Votes To Approve Using $35,000 In Carry-Over Funds To Hire A Recruitment Firm To Find Candidates For Public Works Director Position

The Finance Committee met 01/24/2022. Most of the meeting was taken up with discussion about the city brand study and Resolution #2-R-22. They did, however, also discuss the status of the recruitment process for a new Public Works Director and a request from the Human […]

Finance Committee Decides To Hold Resolution Reallocating Brand Study Funds To Give Time To Receive Staff Feedback

On 01/24/2022 the Finance Committee voted to indefinitely hold the city brand study. After doing that they then moved on to consider and vote on Resolution #2-R-22. If passed as written, this resolution would take $475,000 from the funding previously set aside for the city […]

Finance Committee Meeting 01/24/2022 – Will Decide How To Proceed With Rebranding Effort

The Finance Committee is meeting 01/24/2022 at 5:30PM. As you may recall, during the committee’s 01/10/2022 meeting they discussed a recommendation to award a contract for brand development services to Unlisted, LLC. Due to some concerns with the proposal the committee decided to hold off […]

Finance Committee Votes To Hold Decision On City Brand Contract Until January 24; Will Give Unlisted, LLC Opportunity To Respond To Concerns Raised About Proposal

The Finance Committee met 01/10/2022. Most of the meeting was taking up by the discussion regarding the request to award a contract for brand development services to Unlisted LLC. Senior Communication Specialist Sheng Riechers gave a brief overview of the memo she had submitted. She […]

Finance Committee Meeting 01/10/2021 – Will Vote On Covid-19 Related Budget Amendments, Contract For City Brand Study

Committee business is starting to get back to normal after the Christmas and New Years holidays. The Finance Committee is meeting 01/10/2022 at 5:30PM. They have multiple information items regarding construction projects and change orders. They also have 6 action items. The action items that […]