When Asked Why Staff Never Questioned Why Appleton’s Death Statistics Didn’t Line Up With DHS Reported Numbers, Health Officer Sepers Responds, “The previous reporting methodology likely provided the most accurate [data] during the early stages of the pandemic.”

As posted the other day, the City of Appleton Health Department has indicated that they underreported Covid deaths in Appleton by 68, explaining, “Previously, the department relied on receiving death reports of public health concern as required by State Statute 979.012 (https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/statutes/statutes/979/012). The direct reporting […]

Board Of Health Receives Covid-19 Update – Reviews New Risk Level Methodology

The Board of Health met 03/09/2022 and received a Covid-19 Update from Health Officer Sepers which included not only the normal case rate and vaccination rate information but also some more details about the new methodology they are using to track Covid levels in the […]

Common Council Receives Covid-19 Update – Mayor Woodford Announces Covid-19 Updates To Council Will End, But Updates To Board Of Health Will Continue

During the 03/02/2022 Common Council meeting, the Council received a Covid-19 update. Mayor Woodford announced that this would be the last Covid-19 report at Common Council meetings, although information would still be reported out at the Board of Health meeting, and if conditions changed, they […]