The Common Council met 07/19/2023. One of the items that was separated out for an individual vote was the Class B Beer License application for Core’s Lounge. Core’s Lounge had previously had an alcohol license which was revoked after they had accrued over 200 demerit […]
Tag: Core's Lounge
Safety And Licensing Committee Votes Unanimously To Deny Beer License To Core’s Lounge – Points To Ongoing Noise Complaints And Code Violations As Reason For Denial
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 06/28/2023. They spent about 15 minutes discussing the Class “B” Beer License application from Core’s Lounge. Its alcohol license had been revoked in April of 2022, due to having accrued over 200 demerit points on their license. Now, a […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 06/28/2023 – Will Vote On Request To Deny Beer License To Core’s Lounge, Discuss Recent Sushi Lover Alcohol License Violation
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 06/28/2023 at 5:30PM. There are a few items that look potentially pretty interesting. A representative from Sushi Lover will be appearing to discuss their alcohol license demerit point violation for having no licensed operator on the premises on […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Votes To Hold Core’s Lounge Alcohol License Application Until June 28 Meeting
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 06/14/2023. It was a short meeting, clocking in at around 12 minutes, half of which was taken up with discussion about the Class B Beer License Application for Core’s Lounge. Alderperson William Siebers (District 1) initially moved to deny […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 06/14/2023 – Will Vote On Alcohol License Application For Core’s Lounge
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 06/14/2023 at 5:30. They have a lot of items on the agenda, but for the most part they are various license applications and renewals. One item of interest is the application by Core’s Lounge for a Class B […]
Common Council Separates Three Items For Individual Votes – New Members Learn About Council Procedures
The Common Council met 04/20/2022. It was the first meeting of the new Council year so, although none of the items taken up were particularly remarkable, there was some education on Council procedures that was worked into the meeting. When it came time to establish […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Votes To Revoke Alcohol License For Core’s Lounge
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 04/13/2022. They spent the majority of the meeting reviewing evidence and testimony in the Alcohol License Revocation Hearing for Core’s Lounge, LLC – Kor Xiong, Agent. In total, the committee was in open session for nearly 2 hours and […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 04/13/2022 – Will Hold Alcohol License Revocation Hearing For Core’s Lounge
The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 04/13/2022 at 5:30PM. They have 9 alcohol license applications of various types as well as a request to purchase a fire truck. However, the item that I expect will probably take up the most amount of time and […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Is Informed Appleton Has Met Its Quota Of Class B Liquor Licenses
The Safety and Licensing Committee met 03/23/2022. Outside of the information item regarding the upcoming election on 04/05/2022, the other action and information items were all alcohol related. They started out by approving a gas station’s “Class A” Liquor License application and the temporary Class […]
Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 03/23/2022 – Will Receive Information On Core’s Lounge Liquor Law Violation
The Safety And Licensing Committee is meeting 03/23/2022 at 5:30PM. It is not an eventful meeting with only a couple alcohol license applications on the agenda. The Police Department also have a couple of liquor law violations to report including an 80 point violation by […]