Common Council Meeting 02/16/2022 – Mayor Will Recommend Retiring Finance Director Be Replaced With Deputy Director, Present Certificates Of Appreciation To Finance Director Tony Saucerman And Interim Health Officer Sonja Jensen

The Common Council is meeting 02/16/2022 at 7PM. One never knows for sure which action items if any will be separated out for individual votes. There aren’t a lot of items on the agenda that garnered much discussion during committee meetings. Resolution 2-R-22 which would […]

Alderperson Alex Schultz’s Invocation At 01/19/2022 Common Council Meeting – “What should I do with all this anger [about the pandemic] and how do I channel it into something positive and something productive?”

I apologize for the lateness in getting this Alderperson invocation video posted. This is from the 01/19/2022 Common Council meeting. Before viewing it, you may benefit from watching this clip from the movie “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles” which Alderperson Schultz references: Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s […]

Common Council Approves Three Items – Special Use Permit For Club Car Wash, Alcohol License For Alpine Swift Restaurant, And New Parklet Policy

The 02/02/2022 Common Council was a short meeting under 30 minutes in length. Three items were separated out for individual votes, but none of those items took very long to discuss. The three items in question were (1) the Special Use Permit #1-22 for a […]

Common Council Receives Covid-19 Update – Breakthrough Cases Seem To Be Holding Steady At 20-25% Of Total Cases

During the 02/02/2022 Common Council meeting, the Council members received a brief Covid-19 update. Interim Health Officer Sonja Jensen reviewed the standard pack of slides presenting Covid-19 related data. During the previous week, Appleton had had 685 total confirmed and probable cases, then was down […]

Common Council Meeting 02/02/2022 – Alderperson Firkus Plans To Raise Issue Of Proposed Carwash On College Avenue And Kensington Drive

This week is a light week meeting-wise with no committee meetings taking place. However, the Common Council will be meeting 02/02/2022 at 7PM. Mayor Woodford will be presenting an Appleton Housing Authority appointment. Ariela Rosa is a New York City native who moved to Appleton […]

Common Council Approves Hiring Of New Health Officer, Receives Covid-19 Update

The Appleton Common Council met 01/19/2022. The meeting took less than 30 minutes. The largest portion of the meeting was the Covid-19 Update. Although it was not as long as the update, another important part of the meeting was the vote by the Common Council […]

Common Council Meeting 01/19/2022 – Will Vote On Health Officer Recommendation

The Appleton Common Council is meeting 01/19/2022 at 7PM. Of particular interest is that Mayor Woodford will be making a Health Officer recommendation. The city has been searching for a new Health Officer since March of 2021, and Public Health Nurse Supervisor Sonja Jensen has […]

Alderperson Joe Prohaska’s Invocation At 12/15/2021 Common Council Meeting – “We need Your wisdom, Your guidance, and possibly above all Your humility to seek our common good together, offering our partner Council members the dignity and worth we would desire to receive from them.”

Mayor Woodford: Okay, here we go. We’re gonna have an on-time departure. I now call to order the Wednesday December 15th meeting of the Appleton Common Council. Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Prohaska. Alderperson Prohaska: This invocation is from a constituent of mine […]

Alderpersons Hartzheim And Doran To Seek County Board Supervisory Seats In April Election

Things are quiet this week since there are no committee meetings going on. However, that doesn’t mean that nothing is happening. Alderpersons Sheri Hartzheim (District 13) and Chad Doran (District 15) both just announced that they are running for county board supervisor positions in the […]