Alderperson Sheri Hartzheim’s Invocation at 05/18/2022 Common Council Meeting – “Each of us has to choose the next right step in everyday decisions that we make in our lives.”

Mayor Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alderperson Hartzheim. Alderperson Hartzheim: Thank you, Chair. Every year at around this time, I think about graduations. Mostly about how long it’s been since I graduated from college. And let’s not even talk about high school. But […]

Common Council Meeting 05/18/2022 – Will Vote On Bond Issuance, Recommendation For New Public Works Director, Soldier’s Square Resolution, Redistricting Modifications

The Common Council is meeting 05/17/2022 at 7PM. Mayor Woodford will be making a recommendation for a new Public Works Director to replace retiring current director Paula Vandehey. The city was having such a difficult time finding qualified candidates that they ended up hiring an […]

Alderperson Maiyoua Thao’s Invocation At 05/04/2022 Common Council Meeting – “It is so important that each one of us remember our heritage.”

Council President Van Zeeland: Our invocation this evening will be given by Alderperson Thao. Alderperson Maiyoua Thao (District 7): Thank you, Council President. Good evening, everyone. May marks Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, a time to celebrate and share the history and contribution […]

Common Council Vote To Approve Contract Amendment With Lamers Bus Lines For Trolley Service; Council Members Express Frustration With Situation Lamers Put City In

The Common Council met 05/04/2022. They spent around 30 minutes of the hour-long meeting discussing the request from Lamers Bus Lines to amend their contract with Valley Transit to run the trolley service over the summer. This item was discussed by both the Transit Commission […]

Common Council Approves Alcohol License Application For Mill City Public House

Things seem to be progressing nicely for Mill City Public House. Back in March, they had to apply for a special use permit for their establishment because the previous special use permit only ran with the Elks Club that had formerly occupied their building. On […]

Common Council Votes To Allow The Withdrawal Of Anti-Pipeline Resolution

On 05/04/2022, the Appleton Common Council voted to allow anti-pipeline Resolution 4-R-22, the Clean Water and Treaty Rights Resolution, to be withdrawn by its authors. This resolution was introduced at the 03/02/2022 Common Council meeting. Due to its subject matter and lack of overlap with […]

Common Council Meeting 05/04/2022 – Will Vote On Request To Withdraw Anti-Pipeline Resolution

The Common Council is meeting 05/04/2022 at 7PM. The committee meetings have been pretty light on action items that have garnered a lot of discussion or disagreement, so it’s hard to tell what if anything might be separated out for individual votes. One item that […]

Common Council Updates Rules – Approves Rule Allowing The Withdrawal Of Resolutions, Rule Allowing More Flexibility For Scheduling Committee Meeting Times

The Common Council held two organizational meetings last week, an informal meeting on 04/19/2022 and a formal meeting on 04/20/2022. During those two meetings, particularly the informal meeting, they discussed proposed rules changes for the Council and then during the formal meeting they voted on […]

Common Council Separates Three Items For Individual Votes – New Members Learn About Council Procedures

The Common Council met 04/20/2022. It was the first meeting of the new Council year so, although none of the items taken up were particularly remarkable, there was some education on Council procedures that was worked into the meeting. When it came time to establish […]

Common Council Approves The Sole Source Purchase Of A Fire Truck From Pierce Manufacturing – Paying Before May 1 Will Result In At Least $90,000 In Savings

The Common Council met 04/20/2022. Outside of the fact that it was the first regular Common Council meeting of the new Council year, the meeting was uneventful. The action item that resulted in the most discussion was the request to purchase a fire truck via […]