Municipal Services Committee Meeting 10/10/2022 – Will Vote On Two Street Reconstruction Projects, Receive September Bird E-Scooter Report

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 10/10/2022 at 4:30PM. It looks like it won’t be too eventful of a meeting. The committee was supposed to take up the resolution modifying the city’s street terrace policy. This resolution would have allowed residents to, among other things, […]

Municipal Services Committee Receives July 2022 Bird E-Scooter Report – Discusses Decrease In Complaints

The Municipal Services Committee met 08/08/2022. Most of the meeting was taken up by the discussion and vote on a variance request for a driveway extension at a Packard Street residence. During the last few minutes, however, they reviewed the July 2022 Bird E-Scooter report. […]

Former Alderperson Joe Martin Asks Municipal Services Committee To Reduce Speed Of Bird E-Scooters To 2 MPH On College Avenue

The Municipal Services Committee met 07/25/2022. One of the information items they received, and the only one to actually be spoken about, was the June 2022 Bird E-Scooter Pilot Program Update. The report spoke for itself, and may have gone unremarked upon had not retired […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 06/06/2022 – Will Discuss Transportation Utility Next Steps, Receive May Bird E-Scooter Report

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 06/06/2022 at 4:30 PM. They will be voting on a couple parking change requests, one to implement changes already tested during a 6-month trial period and one to implement a 6-month trial period. They will also be considering and […]

Bird Inc Double Checks Geofencing After Scooters Found In No-Ride And No-Park Zones

This is just a reminder that the Bird e-scooter program is in its second trial year. If you have any questions or notice any problems, you should feel free to contact the Department of Public Works with those questions or concerns. I just reached out […]

Municipal Services Committee Receives April 2022 Bird E-Scooter Report

The Municipal Services Committee met 05/09/2022 and received their first Bird E-Scooter report of the year. It was short and sweet. Director of Public Works Paula Vandehey explained for the benefit of the new alderpersons that the reports provided information for them to take into […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 05/04/2022 – Will Vote On Soldier’s Square Resolution, Receive First Report Of Season On Bird E-Scooter Pilot Program

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 05/09/2022 at 4:30PM. They will be once again taking up the Soldier’s Square Resolution. This resolution was discussed extensively during the 04/25/2022 committee meeting and was held until this meeting to give staff time to provide an estimate of […]

Municipal Services Committee Approves Second Pilot Program For Bird E-Scooters

The Municipal Services Committee met 02/07/2022. One of the items they took up was the request to approve a Memorandum of Understanding with Bird Rides, Inc. to initiate a Dockless, Stand-up Electric Scooter Pilot Program for 2022. Director of Public Works Paula Vandehey told the […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 02/07/2022 – Will Vote On Second Bird E-Scooter Pilot Program, Receive Report On Enhanced Crosswalk Program

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 02/07/2022 at 4:30PM. I suspect that the item of most interest to the public will be the request to approve a second Bird e-scooter pilot program for 2022. Per the memo to the committee the 2021 Bird pilot program […]