Safety And Licensing Committee Votes To Revoke Alcohol License For Core’s Lounge

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 04/13/2022. They spent the majority of the meeting reviewing evidence and testimony in the Alcohol License Revocation Hearing for Core’s Lounge, LLC – Kor Xiong, Agent. In total, the committee was in open session for nearly 2 hours and […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Meeting 04/13/2022 – Will Hold Alcohol License Revocation Hearing For Core’s Lounge

The Safety and Licensing Committee is meeting 04/13/2022 at 5:30PM. They have 9 alcohol license applications of various types as well as a request to purchase a fire truck. However, the item that I expect will probably take up the most amount of time and […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Is Informed Appleton Has Met Its Quota Of Class B Liquor Licenses

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 03/23/2022. Outside of the information item regarding the upcoming election on 04/05/2022, the other action and information items were all alcohol related. They started out by approving a gas station’s “Class A” Liquor License application and the temporary Class […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Approves Several License Applications – Pays Special Attention To Alcohol Application Where Applicant Indicated He Had A Felony

The Safety and Licensing committee met 02/23/2022. In addition to approving the Auto-Aid Addendum with Neenah/Menasha Fire Rescue and the Urban Search and Rescue contract, the committee also approved a number of licenses. While this isn’t necessarily of huge importance, their conversation does demonstrate the care […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Approves Neighborhood Restaurant Alpine Swift’s Beer and Wine License Application

Alpine Swift, a proposed neighborhood restaurant in District 2, is now one step closer to being able to open. After being granted a variance from the city’s off-street parking requirements and having its application for a special use permit approved by the City Plan Commission, […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Vote To Approve Resolution Updating Appleton’s Alcohol License Demerit Point System

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 12/08/2021 and took up Resolution #16-R-21 which pertains to alcohol license demerit points. This resolution was introduced by Alderperson Michael Smith (District 10), and he was the first one asked to speak about it. He explained to the committee […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Votes To Approve Both Class A And Class B Alcohol Licenses For Tee Tees Nachos

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 12/08/2021. Amongst the items they took up were the Class A and Class B alcohol license applications for Tee Tees Nachos. Both of these applications were initially recommended for approval by the committee. Alderperson William Siebers (District 1) then […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Votes To Recommend Premise Amendment Application For River Tyme Bistro Be Approved Contingent On Approval By All Departments – Would Allow Restaurant To Expand Outdoor Seating Into Parking Lot

The Safety And Licensing Committee met 10/27/2021. In addition to considering the alcohol license applications for Tee Tees Nachos they took up a permanent premise amendment application for River Tyme Bistro. Apparently, their patio has structural issues and they were asking to expand their outdoor […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Votes To Deny Class A Alcohol License For Tee Tees Nachos And Hold Class B Application Until Next Meeting

The Safety and Licensing Committee met 10/27/2021. Much of the meeting was taken up with deliberations regarding the Class A Beer, Class A Liquor, and Class B Beer license applications for Tee Tees Nachos, LLC. Apparently, the applicant is planning to buy the building from […]

Safety And Licensing Committee Conducts Quick Meeting – Votes To Hold License Application That Has Issues, Receives Update On Core’s Lounge Noise Complaints

The Safety and Licensing Committee had a brief 12 minute meeting prior to the Common Council meeting on 07/07/2021. For me personally, the most interesting item was the update on the Core’s Lounge noise complaints. [***Spoiler Alert*** it sounded to me like any case against […]