Common Council Approves Infrastructure Maintenance Projects With Scope Reductions And Delays – Alderpersons Hartzheim And Doran Express Concern About Putting Off Infrastructure Maintenance

The Common Council met 03/15/2023. 3 items from the Finance Committee were separated out for individual votes. These were the three infrastructure maintenance projects that were discussed during the committee meeting, the wastewater treatment plant hardscape project, the 2023 concrete pavement projects, and the 2023 […]

Resolution To Eliminate No Mow May Introduced At 03/15/2023 Council Meeting In Response To Retraction Of Study Used To Support Passage Of Original No Mow May Ordinance Changes

At the 03/15/2023 Common Council meeting, Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) introduced a resolution to eliminate the No Mow May program as a permanent part of the city’s ordinances, delete references to it from the city code, and return the related city code to the […]

Alderperson Alex Schultz’s Invocation At 03/15/2023 Common Council Meeting – “I just encourage you as you think about Atheist Day, to not think about atheism but think about your own religion if you practice it and consider doing things instead of just living behind the words of their religion, live behind the actions of religion.”

Mayor Jake Woodford: Tonight’s invocation will be delivered by Alder Schultz. Alderperson Alex Schultz (District 9): Never easy to follow George. That I know. One second here. I just lost it. Well, I may have to wing it. So, I struggled a little bit with […]

Blueprints Of AASD Expansion Projects Can Be Viewed In-Person, But Public Will Have To Wait For Picture To Be Made Available Online

During the 02/27/2023 Appleton Area School District Board of Education meeting, the Board received an update on the middle school expansion projects. The presentation included blueprints which were shared with the board members but not the general public. A number of readers were interested in […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Approves Over Hire For Building Inspector Position, Receives Updates On City’s Move To Cloud-Based Enterprise Services, Recruitment Status Report

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee met 03/08/2023. As was the case for most of the committee meetings that week, it was a short meeting. It consisted of one action item and two information items. I’ve prepared a complete transcript of the meeting for […]

Common Council Meeting 03/15/2023 – Will Vote On Projects That Required Cost-Cutting Measures To Stay Within Budget, Request To Extend Completion Deadline For Merge LLC Development

The Common Council is meeting 03/15/2023 at 7PM. In keeping with the last few meetings, there do not seem to be any particularly momentous or controversial items that one would expect to generate much discussion. It is possible that, as at the previous Council meeting, […]

Tax Payment Appeal Board Meeting 03/15/2023 – Appellant Claims Late Tax Payment Was Lost In The Mail

The Tax Payment Appeal Board is meeting 03/15/2023 at 6:30PM. They will be taking up tax appeals for two properties; however, those properties appear to be owned by the same person who is making the same defense for both properties. It looked like the taxes […]

Library Board Meeting 03/14/2023 – Will Receive Updates On Building Project And Hiring Process, Receive 2022 Annual Report

The Library Board is meeting 03/14/2023 at 4:30PM. The only action item on the agenda is the approval of the bill register for February. The rest of the item consists of information items including a Building Project update, a hiring update, and the 2022 library […]