Municipal Services Committee Approves Design Parameters For Perkins Street Reconstruction, Maintains Installation Of Sidewalks That Residents Opposed

The Municipal Services Committee met 11/20/2023. One of the items they took up was a request to approve the roadway design parameters for the Perkins Street reconstruction project. The proposed changes included: Residents along Perkins street had opposed the changes, and particularly objected to the […]

Finance Committee Holds Executive Budget Delivery Resolution And Flock Camera ARPA Funding Resolution Until 12/11/2023

The Finance Committee met 11/20/2023. Two of the action items on the agenda were resolutions. Resolution 14-R-23 would change the date of the presentation of the executive budget from the first Wednesday in October to the third Wednesday in September. Resolution 13-R-23 would reallocate $25,000 […]

Finance Committee Meeting 11/20/2023 – Will Vote On Resolution Changing Budget Delivery Deadline, Resolution Funding Purchase Of 10 Additional Flock Cameras, And 2024 Special Assessment Policy

The Finance Committee is meeting 11/20/2023 at 5:30PM. They three action items on the agenda, two resolutions and a request related to the city’s special assessment policy. The first resolution they will be taking up is Resolution 14-R-23 which would change the timeline for delivery […]

Municipal Services Committee Meeting 11/20/2023 – Will Vote On Design Parameters For Perkins Street Reconstruction, Resolution To Close Whitman Yard Waste Site

The Municipal Services Committee is meeting 11/20/2023 at 4:30PM. They will be voting on requests to approve the design parameters for the Perkins Street reconstruction project between Prospect Avenue to the railroad tracks and the Morrison Street reconstruction between Glendale Avenue and Pershing Street. The […]

Alderperson Doran Submits 3 Resolutions – One Would Close Whitman Yard Waste Site, One Would Fund Purchase Of 10 Flock Cameras With ARPA Dollars, One Would Move Up Executive Budget Delivery Date To 3rd Wednesday In September

During the 11/15/2023 Common Council meeting, Alderperson Chad Doran (District 15) submitted three resolutions. Resolution 12-R-23 the Resolution to Close Whitman Yard Waste Site, would, as the name suggests, result in the closure of the Whitman Street yard waste site. Yard waste operations would continue […]

Common Council Votes 13-0 To Keep Alderperson Salary Unchanged For 2025 Term – Alderperson Katie Van Zeeland Provides Info Packet With Salary Comparisons And Inflation Information With The Hope Of Prompting More Robust Conversation Next Year

The Common Council met 11/15/2023. The meeting was on the shorter side at only 30 minutes, about half of it was taken up with a reconsideration of Alderperson salaries for the 2025 aldermanic term. The Council ended up voting 13-0 to approve no increase or […]

Library Board Receives Update On Temporary Library Move – New Location At 3000 E College To Be Open 01/08/2024, Possible Soft Opening The Week Before

The Library Board met 11/14/2023. One of the information items they received was an update on the temporary library move. I’ve prepared a transcript of the discussion for download: The Library’s last day open at it’s current location on Kensington Drive is Tuesday, 11/21/2023. On […]

Common Council Meeting 11/15/2023 – Will Vote On Recommendation To Opt Out Of PFAS Class Action Settlement, St Therese Rezoning Request, Potentially Take Second Vote On Aldermanic Salaries For 2025

The Common Council is meeting 11/15/2023 at 7PM. There aren’t a lot of items on the agenda, and it’s hard to know exactly what may be separated out for an individual vote. One of the items that resulted in a lot of discussion at the […]

Human Resources And Information Technology Committee Meeting 11/15/2023 – Will Vote On Police Chief Executive Assistant Over Hire Request, 2024-2026 Police Contract Changes

The Human Resources and Information Technology Committee is holding a special meeting 11/15/2023 at 6:30PM ahead of the Common Council meeting at 7PM. They will be voting on two action items. The first is a request to over hire the Executive Assistant to the Police […]